Friday 22 September 2023




Pastor Cheri 


Many have thought that anytime you talk about the anointing, you are referring to only Pastors, but that is not true.
There is an anointing for the Pastoral office.
And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Ephesians 4 verse 11 to 12
The Pastor raises the saints up through the Word to be able to effectively carry out God’s work. He requires an anointing for this ministry. This is the anointing for His Pastoral ministry.

Now for everyone, we are all anointed!
Turn your Bibles to 1 John Chapter 2 verse 27.
It says,
But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.

There is an anointing on you. You are anointed and as long as you remain saved, you remain anointed. From the verse above, the anointing teaches you all things.
This anointing can lead and direct you at all times. You are guided by it.

You must be conscious of this and take advantage of it at all times.

Paul said to Timothy,
Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. 1 Timothy 4 verse 14.
This was the anointing for his pastoral ministry.

When God gives you an assignment, the anointing to help you accomplish all that is required for it to be a success follows. This is to help you become a success in it. He doesn't leave you without anointing you for the work He has given you. Hallelujah!
If you are functioning in any leadership capacity or you have a responsibility given to you in Church, you are anointed for it. Praise God!

Neglecting the anointing would be, separating yourself from success and positioning yourself for unacomplished tasks. It would be settling down for failure. You find yourself struggling and toiling with litte or no results. Frustration sets in and you become angry and bitter about everything, complaining at even the slightest error. Hallelujah! It's actually a life of hardship.

God is not looking for experts or professionals in His work. He is not looking for those who can do it very well, No! He knows the task more than you do, He knows how best to help you achieve it, so He gives you the anointing to lead  you in it, opens your eyes to see all that is necessary and keeps helping you move up in it. Hallelujah!

He chose you because He needs you to do the work for Him on earth. He wants you totally dependent on Him. It’s His work so you should do it the way He wants which is the best way ever, you sure would see it when you are through with it.

Learn to recognize the anointing on your life.
That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus. Philemon 1 verse 6.
As you recognize it, you proclaim it. As you do this, you activate the anointing! Hallelujah!

Don’t do things like one who is not anointed. As you do this, you take advantage of it and watch it produce miracles in your life. It would not work without this.

God has called you into rest. When He anointed you, He called you into rest and the Bible says,
For He that is entered into his rest, He also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his. Hebrews 4 verse 10.
God rested on the seventh day of His creation, so why are you not resting. He wants you resting. He says,
And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest. Hebrews 4 verse 5.
If the Creator of the universe can rest, why should you not rest? He gave you the anointing so you can rest, so if you have not been resting, tap into the anointing and start resting. Praise God!

Everyone of us has been called into soul winning. The Bible says,
And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16 verse 15.
Matthew 28:19 says, Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
You are a precher and a teacher. Praise God! This is a divine responsibility, a divine mandate given to us by God Himself. So everyone has this responsibility. Hallelujah! You do it with the anointing. Hallelujah!

Have you been experiencing difficulties with your assignment? Tap into the anointing. You are anointed! Hallelujah! God has anointed your life and you are an able minister of the Gospel. The anointing made you able. So take advantage of the grace, wisdom and ability that comes with the anointing.

Avail yourself to it. Let it lead you into accomplishing great feats for the Kingdom. The Master is coming soon and we must be ready for Him. Praise God!

Lift up your hands and worship God now. Thank Him for choosing and anointing you. Speak in tongues as you do this. You are anointed for productivity and positioned for effectiveness.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...