Saturday 7 October 2023



Pastor Cheri Isioma Ajufo 

The penalty Jesus paid on the cross was not for nothing. He paid for a reason. Don’t live without the knowledge of what Jesus came to do for you. The Word of God is there as a constant reminder of all that He did for us, so we have to keep studying it.

You are not at the mercy of situations and circumstances.

You write an exam but you are not sure how it will turn out. You have have gone for an interview and you are not sure how it will turn out. There is hope for the child of God.
The child of God is not without hope. We are not living life the way we find it believing that, "Whatever will be will be" since nobody knows tomorrow.

With God’s Word, you should live beyond this realm.
You can live ahead because you know your future, you already know the kind of life you should be living, you have seen it from God's Word. He has seen the end from the beginning and He has shown you so you are not in the dark. You know your future!
You can say that to yourself,
Say "I know my future"
"I have seen it"
"Because God has shown me"
Praise God!

You are not without hope or in question about the things you are involved in.
You go for that interview charged up and in the anointing.
When you finish from from that interview, you get into your closet on your knees and hand it over to the Holy Ghost.
Same thing you do for the exams.

You do all things with the Holy Spirit. He'll tell you exactly what to do.
He'll guide you through His Word.

Psalms 119 verse 105 says,
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

If you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, don't cry,  just say, "I know what to do." Which is right!
It's time to go mingling with the Spirit. As you fellowship with Him, He'll show you all the secrets. Then you come out with joy.
You can and should never make a mistake with the Holy Ghost.

There is hope for every child of God. God has made you a burning and shinning light in a dark and crooked world, so you ought to shine. If you are not shinning,  then you are not a light because It's the nature of a light to shine.

So you go ahead now, you can start with your family, is there anything you want to change or have you done do so already? If you have, congratulations!
So if you haven't, you go ahead now, search for scriptures relating to the issue
and declare them over the issue.
You'll take out time afterwards praying in tongues.

You do this for anything you have to change.

This is the grace given to us as children God. We have the right to live, we have the right to choose, we have the right to rule.
We have the right over every situation and circumstance, we have the right over the devil and his cohorts, we have the right over poverty and lack, we have the right over sin, sickness and death.
You should not be be held bound or captive by these or anything else because you have hope  in Christ.

When Jesus died, He took away all that was inconsistent with the life of a believer. He nailed it to the cross. All this was so you can live the way He has chosen.
So don’t call yourself what He hasn't called you. You should live as who He died for, don’t change it.
Call yourself what He has called you and stay that way.

Remember to always deliver this message to others. They need it to get out of unpleasant situations and live like Jesus has made them.

Say these words;
"I believe in the Works of Jesus for me on the cross,"
"So, I live the authentic Christian life"
"Thereby, living in God’s perfect will for me"
"Thank you Jesus"
"In Jesus Name."

Lift up your hands to God now and worship Him.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...