Friday 20 October 2023





Pastor Cheri Isioma Ajufo 

Sophia is divine insight into reality, so that you can have sunesis, an understanding, for the purpose of developing in you phronesis, a mind-set

Sunesis is critical wisdom; that is, mental or analytical knowledge.
Pastor says, it's the ability to understand concepts and see relationships between them. It suggests a quickness of apprehension; the penetrating consideration which precedes actions.

If you want to understand why our ministry is the way it is, you have to listen to our messages; you would know why we do the things we do and why we do them the way we do.

Phronesis is a force.You do and say the right thing before you think
Luke 1 verse 17
And He shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Wisdom here is phronesis. It is called the mind-set of the just.

Phronesis is practical wisdom.
Pastor says,
it means a mind-set: a fixed mental attitude or a disposition that predetermines a person’s responses to situations, and his interpretations of those situations. Such mental attitude influences your actions under a given situation. It’s a programming of your mind to reason, respond, interpret situations and behave in a certain way, usually, the most excellent way!

You were standing under a huge tree and you just moved away and the tree fell. What happened? You didn't have to think before moving. That's Phronesis!
You left the company and got a job elsewhere and then, they closed down the previous company after a month. What happened? That's Phronesis!

Jesus stepped out on water and walked on it when all the boats were gone. He never thought of sinking. Hallelujah! He just walked on it. It was a mind-set. Jesus had the mind-set of not sinking. A mind-set that knew no fear, a  mind-set that knew no impossibility. Hallelujah!

There are no impossibilities with the child of God. This is what the Word of God can do for you. It causes you to think right, it causes you to act right.

Remove the mentality of failure from you. Anything is possible! Hallelujah?

You want to become the president, governor, state's spokesman, anything is possible. Hallelujah!
Let wisdom guide you.

Philippians 2 verse 13 says,
For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure

Those ideas and visions, those plans, are coming from the spirit-realm, they are coming from God, don’t let those beautiful inspirations wane or die.
Take action with the wisdom of God
All you need do, meditate on the Word of God and pray in the Holy Ghost. Meditate on the Word daily.
The Word of God is a propeller, it's a propelling force.
Only the Word can place you in the place your dreams.

As you meditate on the Word,  it gives you a mind-set.
A mind-set of victory! Hallelujah!
A mind-set of success!
A mind-set of more than a conqueror!
Praise God!

Phronesis will place you at the right place at the right time.
When you speak  you say exactly what should be said that would cause the promotion.

You choose right.
You judge right.
You decide right.
It propels you to do the will of God. It controls you.
You do things the way God wants without reasoning.
It places you in God’s perfect will for your life.

1 Kings 4 verse 29
And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore.
God gave Solomon Phronesis. Hallelujah!

We all know how wise Solomon was.

Don't think sickness, don't think lack.
Don't be among those Christians who aren't functioning with the wisdom of the righteous.

The Bible says, ...but through knowledge shall the just be delivered... Proverbs 11:9.
Now that you know, live that way.

Lift up your hands and worship God!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...