Saturday 28 October 2023




Pastor Cheri Isioma Ajufo 

Every child of God needs the Word of God to grow to maturity. You shouldn’t remain a babe for long and how fast you grow is determined by how much of God’s Word you feed your spirit-man with all the time.

When you are called a Son of God, it means you have come to maturity. This is when you are being led by God's Spirit at any time. God can talk to you, God can tell you to do something and you'll do it just the way He had said.
He gives you directions and you follow it, just as He has said.

Turn to Romans 8 verse 14
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

When you are led by God, you are a SON!
You can now be instructed by God's Spirit any time.

From the Scripture in Romans 8 verse 14, "son" is Geek, "huios". This means matured/adopted sons of God.

They have come of age. They can handle life, they can handle life's circumstances and situations. They have come of age in the things of God. There is no trial or situation that can overcome them because they have deposited so much of God’s Word into their spirit. They are loaded with the Word.
They function and live by only what the Word says now.

You know, as you study and digest the Word, your faith grows. When any trial comes before you, you chew it with that faith that you have built up. Hallelujah!
This is the life of those refered to as sons, sons of God, trained by God in the faith life and the faith lifestyle. Hallelujah!

The faith lifestyle because, it's their normal way of doing things. Any day, any time, they are faith-ready. They never succumb, never give up. They always win!
They may even tell you before they start, I know I'll win, just watch out, and it ends up that way. A continuous life of victory. Hallelujah!

If you are a mature son of God, you were not adopted like you do in an orphanage or with someone else's child. No!
This adoption means you have been chosen by God. Separated and chosen as heir, an heir of God. Hallelujah!
You are an heir of God and a joint heir with Christ.

And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together. Romans 8 verse 17

When God chose you, He put you under training, so you can handle the position that has been bequeathed to you, the inheritance of an heir. Hallelujah!
After the training, you are ready for your office, you are ready, to take the position that we prepared for you.
You can now deal with issues, solve challenges, proffer solutions, in that office.

In this office, hallelujah, no more pains, no more colds, hallelujah, no more  fevers, because you have been trained. You are now mature. You tell it, "Get out" and it's gone. You have been trained! Hallelujah!
You are not moved by what you see, you are not moved by your bank accounts, you are trained. Glory! Only God's Word moves you.

The Bible says, in all these things, we are more than conquerors. Romans 8 verse 37.
You already know the end of the story, it's nothing else but that you won. Praise God!

You have been taught by God, you have been taught by the Word. No challenge can prevail, because you have already won. In the realm of the spirit, they are already shouting your name as the one who won. Hallelujah! And since the spirit realm controls the physical, it begins to happen here. Praise God!

We have children of God referred to as "teknon"
Galatians Chapter 4 verses 1 to 3
Now I say, That the heir, as long as He is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though He be lord of all;
But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father.
Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world:

Child here refers to 'teknon'
When you are a "teknon", though you are a child of God, you have not been brought up. You can still be swayed and tossed by challenges.

God doesn't want you to remain a babe, He wants you to grow up into a mature son, mature in the things of God.
When you are a babe, you are tossed to and fro.
Ephesians 4 verse 14 says,
That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

God doesn't want you to remain a babe.
Everyone wants to grow, no one wants to remain at one point all the time.
Even in your body, as a child, you want to increase your stature or physique so you can do things like those senior to you.
The same way, your spirit-man doesn't want to remain at one level. Your spirit-man wants to grow and become mature.
This senior level is where we find the elders.

He says,
Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: James 5 verse14.

If you are a mature son of God, this is talking about you. You are one of those elders. Hallelujah!
The elders are not the gray-headed in the Church. No! They are those who have chewed the Word, who have mingled with the Word. Hallelujah!

When challenges come before you, don't cower, use what you have inside, draw out from the rich deposit of the Word inside you and with faith, face that challenge and win because you must surely win.

Praise God.

Lift up your hands to God in worship.
Take your offerings now!


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