Wednesday 5 July 2023



Pastor Cheri 

Many have destroyed their lives and things in this world because of their thinkings. They follow the way men have laid things down which they have believed over the years that it's the proper way to do things, and damage their own lives.
Their thinking processes haven't changed yet. They still believe it would work because some philosopher has told them so or a specialist in that area has said something about it, and because He is well respected, they follow his idea. The end of what they get doesn't come out too good. Hallelujah!
You don't give ideologies or solutions that are based on the senses to men just because you want fame, you want to be famous in the earth. You don't consider who is hearing you and who needs this idea to become a better person, you just go ahead with it.
There are ideas that have been, good ideas in the world but when an idea is not coming from the Word, it ìs not a sure guarantee for your expectations. It may get you damaged. Praise God!
We have a book called The Bible! The Bible gives life, not just physical life, it lightens and gives life to every part of your life.It's not a book full of stories, it's a life-giving book. The stories in the Bible are full of feats accomplished by great men of God. We have Abraham, we have Isaac, we have Jacob, we have Joseph, David and so on. These people achieved so much, so much as to inspire you into doing great things. They are examples for us to follow. Hallelujah!
Man's philosophy cannot work, only God’s Word works! Hallelujah!
Living a great or beautiful life is not about being famous. That you did what people like and pleased them doesn't make you great. Your fame should be connected with the Word. Build your life on the Word, build your life on Jesus! Hallelujah!
Jesus was the greatest man on earth and He’s still is today. He is the most famous, the most widely preached on earth today and we are still preaching Him and will keep preaching Him. He operated by a different kind of principle, He was not of this world.
When He spoke, they marvelled at His Word"The officers answered, Never man spoke like this man." John 7:46.
When He walked past, they admired Him."The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples;And looking upon Jesus as He walked, He saith, Behold the Lamb of God!"John 1:29, 35-36.
He was the center of attraction and still is today. When anyone believes in Him, He makes them just like Him, the centre of attraction. Hallelujah!
That is how you are. You can say that to yourself!
There are parables and proverbs that have been written by those in the world which are not consistent with the Word, don't use them."Whatever would be would be.""Heaven helps those who help themselves."These statements are not in the Bible! Hallelujah!
There are even methods laid down that have no meaning."Always sleep on the right side, if you wake up that way, you would receive money.""If your left leg kicks against a stone, it means ill-luck."Then you start running around, looking for solution, your left leg just kicked a stone, what should you do now?
Glory! Don’t live that way. You may end up in a very strange way if you live that way. Praise God!We don't even live in the realm of luck Luck is from the realm of Lucifer! So we don't function that way. If your name is Lucky, you should change it! Hallelujah!
The Bible was given to us to live a healthy and vibrant Christian life.
Moreover, it is full of words of wisdom. If you need such words, go to Proverbs, go to Ecclesiastes. There are more than enough for you to guide and lead you you on a daily basis. It shouldn’t be a comparison with those that someone has written in the world, this is from the Bible. Hallelujah! It is our daily guide. The Bible contains the wisdom of God. It's our life!
Don't focus on the world's methods, they are meaningless. Focus on the Word! That is where the advantage is, that is where our future lies. You want to be famous, get to the Word, you want to be great and live a great life, get to the Word. Hallelujah! It would sure pilot you into unending prosperity! Praise God!
It's partnership today. Time to connect with your finances. Using the Word's principle, we give and receive in multiples. Hallelujah! Connect today with your seed, join in sending the gospel around the world through our ministry arms and get ready for your miracle!
Take your partnership seed now!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...