Sunday 20 August 2023



Pastor Cheri 

How have you been?

Glorious things are spoken of you?
You are blessed!

We will continue with the book study, using the book, When Ģod visits you.

Go down to page 13

                                                      Don’t Seek A Sign!
        God doesn’t always come with a shout; He doesn’t always come amidst
blinding lights. This is why some people don’t recognize His Presence when He comes. A lot of times He just sets up little signs, and if you’re not desiring Him, you may not know when He shows up.

“And he said, Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice. And it was so, when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped his face in his mantle, and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave. And, behold, there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thou here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:11-13)

       When God met with Elijah, great signs were manifested but God wasn’t in any of them; there was a great wind, an earthquake and a fire. God doesn’t always come with pomp and pageantry; He may just come to you in a most obscure and unusual manner. The important thing is to recognize His Presence however. Jacob had a dream and when he awoke, he said, ...Surely the Lord is in this place; and I knew it not.” (Genesis 28:16). He realized God had visited him while he slept and he didn’t even wake up!

        Don’t wait for a sign before you acknowledge the Presence of God.
Always be prepared to receive from God every time and at anytime; that’s thewinning attitude

* You don't need a sign to know God is present. You don't have to shake or feel something first. 
Be ready for God at any time. Be ready with your heart, your spirit, be ready with your mind, be alert. 

Let's go to Chapter 3, page 23 *

                                                                 Chapter 3
                                                    He Calls You To The Word
         Now that you’ve spent time in prayers, hunger will well up from your
spirit. This hunger is a craving for God, and since God and His Word are one
(John 1:1), it is the craving for the Word of God. Every time the Spirit of God
intervenes in your situation, there’ll be a passion for the Word of God.

                                                           The Answer Is In
                                                                   The Word
         All this time, you’ve thought the answer to your situation will come from heaven, and you had probably been patiently waiting for it to drop through the ceiling. But when you’re supernaturally alert to the Word of God, you’ll discover the answer to all your questions. The Bible contains the solution to man’s problems; his needs and desires. If you have a Bible, you are blessed.

         God will always direct you back to the Book (the Bible), and show you the solution, notwithstanding the thrilling experiences you may have had in His Presence. Experiences, feelings and signs won’t change you because signs can’t change anybody; only words have the ability to change people. It doesn’t matter what you see or experience in life, it will neither change you nor your situation.

         The children of Israel saw fire and smoke on Mount Sinai and when God spoke out of the midst of the fire, they were scared and ran backwards but it didn’t change them. Right after these great sights, they still grumbled and disobeyed God. Only words can transform a man, and this is because they’re both are made of the same substance. Man is a spirit being and the only materials that have the ability to get right into his spirit and mix with his substance are ‘words’.

Jesus said,

“It is the spirit that quick-eneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” (John 6:63)

* Every Word from God has the ability to make you. It would bring you into the place of pre-destination. You can trust God’s Word, It never fails. All that we need in life is wrapped up in the Word so take God’s Word seriously, that's where the answer is. *

                                                          Meet Your Teacher

“I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:18)

          Prior to this time Jesus had told His disciples that He would be leaving
them soon, and this made them all very sad. He was their Teacher, Comforter, Healer, the answer to all their questions; He meant everything to them. And now He said He would be going away and they wouldn’t be able to go with Him.

         Jesus knowing their hearts assured them that it was better for them that He left, otherwise the Comforter wouldn’t come (John 16:7). He said He had a lot of things to tell them, but they wouldn’t understand them yet, because they were mysteries that could only be spiritually discerned or understood. But the Comforter that was coming wouldn’t just talk to them, but would live in them, revealing these mysteries directly to their spirits. (John 16:12-13).

         But, who is this Comforter?

“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26)

      The Comforter is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is exactly like Jesus.
The word ‘Comforter’ is just one of the synonyms for the Greek word
‘Paraklette’; it also means teacher, helper, advocate, strengthener, and one called along side.
       He would unveil the Word to you, and cause revelation knowledge to be imparted to your spirit, so you may live by it. This revelation transcends human wisdom.

* You can depend on the Holy Ghost for your spiritual upbringing. He is the best teacher. He can teach you anything, weather life's issues, your job, academics; He will teach you as He brings understanding to you. He is sure the best. Praise God! *

                                           Beyond The Written Pages

      Now when you take your Bible, places you never knew were there, words you never knew were in it, just leap out of the pages of the Book and come alive to you. This is by the power of the Holy Ghost. You may have read those scriptures before, but you didn’t know that the solution was there. But now by the Spirit, you know when, where and how to do the Word and get your miracle. You just know that your desire is as good as done.

        You can now live the Word beyond the written pages. Everything in your life is put in order to conform to the Word of God. Now you’re unstoppable, indomitable, living the victorious, supernatural life to which He has called every one of His children.

* As simple as John 3:16 is, the words can leap out of the pages of the Bible and make meaning to you. This can only be by the Holy Spirit. Then you find it fitting into your present state, it answers you. Praise God!
The Word of God is a person. You can relate with it, talk to it and have it talk back to you. Praise God! 
Take advantage of the relationship you have with the Word in your life. 

We will continue in the next service.

Lift up those hands and worship God from your Spirit right now. Take advantage of His presence here right now. Speak in other tongues. *


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...