Sunday 20 August 2023



Pastor Cheri

Praise God.

Happy New month of MEDITATION!

It's time to eat the Word voraciously! Praise God. 

We will get the Word into us, into our spirits, this month, like never before. 

We will get 7 Scriptures every Sunday, for the week to meditate on. Don’t miss any service. When we are through, you'll become a bigger giant! Glory to God.

From now till Sunday, take each Scripture used at the Communion Service by Pastor, for meditation.

Meditation soaks the Word into you.

Speak in tongues now! Hallelujah!


We'll continue our study. I believe you've gotten a copy of the book. 
We'll continue from Chapter 4.

                                                          Chapter 4
                                                   The Force Field

    Now that you’ve spent time in prayer, and the Spirit of God has revealed the answer to your situation to you through His Word, the next thing you’ll observe is a force field set up around you. And that’s the force field of the Holy Ghost, Who is the power of God. It’s set up all around you, everywhere you go.

“And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.” (Luke 5:17)

   These men were well learned in the law, but they came in the midst of the multitude to hear Jesus teach, looking for loop holes in His teaching by which they could arrest Him. They didn’t know that something was in the air while Jesus was teaching; the power of the Lord was present to heal them - the force field of the Holy Ghost.

    This can happen to you anywhere and everywhere you go! It can happen to you, if you want that power of God to flow through your life. You don’t have to pay anything for it; just look up to God and walk in His Word. Refuse to live an ordinary life because you have a supernatural life. Something supernatural can happen to any Christian when he opens his heart to God.

    This force field is the new air you breathe, it’s the power you’re now
experiencing in your life. It creates the freshness of the Spirit around you. You may not know how to explain it, but you just know it’s there. As soon as God sets it up in you, it starts working in and around you.

    When you meditate on the Word of God and pray, this field will continue
to grow and increase in influence; it’ll continue to expand. Ecclesiastes 11:3
says, “If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth…”
When the influence of the force field gets to saturation point, I tell you, it’ll
condense and God’s power and glory will be manifested in your situation.

    When you let the force field of the Holy Spirit settle on your life, everything you’re involved with will turn out for your good only.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)


* Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.
2 Corinthians 2:14

Just like this force field, God’s perfume has been sprayed on you. Any where you go or enter, they smell God. The thing that smells with you, around you, is nothing but God, and you know what, it attracts others to you, it's magnetic, and when they meet with you, it's a different story, a life changed by the Holy Spirit.   

Turn to Chapter 5. *

                                                            Chapter 5
                                                  He Changes Things

And Joseph said unto his brethren, I die: and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.” (Genesis 50:24)

   Joseph knew by revelation that, the land of Egypt, where the children of
Israel were at this time wasn’t God’s perfect will for them. He knew that the next time God showed up on their behalf, their situation would change for the better and He would lead them to the land He’d promised; a higher and better place. When God visits you He will change your position.

  Sometimes we wonder why it’s taking such a long time for certain things to happen in our lives. The more we pray, the farther our desires seem to drift from us. But God does not tarry, when He visits you, things will change.


  Alone In His Presence

   In the middle of 1986, I was ministering about Jesus to a young lady who wasn’t born again, but while I was still talking I perceived that she wasn’t listening to me. Then I said to her, “I’m going to leave you here, to have some few minutes with God. All I want you to say is, “Dear Lord Jesus, I don’t know everything so I need your help. Touch my life today.” God is real though we might not be able to see Him with our optical eyes. Anyway, she looked at me with a smug look on her face and obviously thought I was kidding. But I left the room to come back about fifteen minutes later.

   When I opened the door, she was on the floor having been ‘slain’in the spirit; having a glorious time, full of God’s Spirit and speaking in other tongues. The Holy Spirit had met her, saved and filled her. This lady became a wonderful witness for Jesus Christ. That is what happens when God visits you; He changes things!

    I believe deep within her she honestly wanted the Spirit of God, she was only too proud to do it in the presence of other people. Sometimes it’s good to be alone, because that’s when your heart is really open to God.

    There are those that just can’t stop talking when they’re with people; they talk so much without even a punctuation opportunity. And when they’re alone, they only sleep; snoring heavily because they’re exhausted from talking all day. And it’s impossible even for the Holy Spirit to get them to something serious. But there’s something about being alone in God’s Presence. Hannah had to come back to the house of God, but this time she came alone (1 Samuel 1:9). Elijah was alone when God appeared to him and asked him, “…What doest thou here, Elijah?” (1 Kings 19:9) This was the visit, which thoroughly transformed Elijah (1 Kings 19:9-18). He left God’s presence that day with renewed boldness to speak for Jehovah. King Hezekiah turned his face to the wall immediately he got the message of his impending demise (Isaiah 38:2).

   You have to come to a point in your life where you shut the world and its cares out; you lock the door of your senses and focus on God and His Word alone. Oh! I like to pray like this often; I shut my door, shut everybody and everything else out until I’m alone in the Presence of God.

   God had wanted to visit and talk with Jacob, many times, but his mind was too busy scheming different things. But as soon as he was alone, God came and visited him. The Bible says “And Jacob was left alone…” (Genesis 32:24).Apart from the supplication he made to God, something else happened that changed his life forever.

                                                     A New Thing Happens

   The Angel of God (remember, this is the Holy Ghost) had to dislocate the hollow of Jacob’s thigh. But in spite of this discomfort Jacob still held on tightly to Him.

And he (the angel of the Lord) said, Let me go, for the day breaketh.And he (Jacob) said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.” (Genesis 32:26-27)

   Jacob had been frustrated and needed some comfort, he wanted God to bless him, so he held on to the Angel tightly and insisted on being blessed. 
Then the Angel asked for Jacob’s name. Why do you think He asked for his name?

   I believe God didn’t need Jacob to introduce himself, He only wanted him to come to terms with himself; He wanted him to realize where his problem was. When God asked him this question, it suddenly dawned on Jacob that he was a cheat. The Bible says, “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and he shall be holden with the cords of his sins”(Proverbs 5:22). Hosea 8:7 says,
“For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…”

    Jacob knew it was his time to pay dearly for his deception, because Esau was a ruthless man. Moreover, when he heard that Esau was on his way with four hundred men, his heart fainted within him. It wasn’t possible for God to bless him because he had been a swindler, a trickster, and a conartist. This was why he was so afraid. Sin destroys faith and replaces it with fear.

     It’s just like what happened to Adam and Eve, when they sinned against God in the garden by eating the forbidden fruit. God came down like He always did to fellowship with both of them but they had gone into hiding. When God called out to them, Adam answered from his hiding, “…I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.” (Genesis 3:10). He was afraid. Fear always comes to man when he sins.

        So, for the first time, it suddenly dawned on Jacob that he had been living up to his name. Therefore, God had to change his name first before He could bless him.

“And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked , and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” (Genesis 32:28-30)

When God changed Jacob’s name, his life was completely transformed, and he got the blessing he earnestly sought. This gave him confidence, boldness, and his initial guilt and fear completely disappeared. When God visits you, new things are bound to happen; He changes things!

* Hallelujah!
Say this;
New things are happening in my life because of God’s visitation. 
Things have been changed in my favour.
My life has been transformed by the presence of God’s Spirit. Therefore, I enjoy the blessings of God daily,  in my life.

Shout Hallelujah!
Pray in the Holy Ghost now.

Take a special offering now. Bless it and give it. *


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...