Monday 21 August 2023




Pastor Cheri

The Church is the body of Christ. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church and we are the body.

"And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence." Colossians 1 verse 18

The body, just like the human body, has members. 

Your physical body has your eyes, nose, mouth, legs, ...

The same way, the Chuch has different parts.

"But now are they many members, yet but one body." 1 Corinthians 12 verse 20.

As a member of the body of Christ, everyone has a place where he should function.

You should be fulfilling your calling in God’s house as you find your place and fit in there.

There is a place for everyone in God’s house. You have a role and where you should be functioning.
You should not be in the house of God and not know where you are functioning.

In a family, everyone has a responsibility. You wash the plates, someone else cleans the house, another washes dirty clothes and so on. It's the same way in the Church.

You don't just take your Bible on a Sunday morning, clean it up, and say you are going to Church and when you get there, you look for a very good seat and sit, watching everything going on like a spectator, and then you find faults with some things and the others, you feel okay with them, trying to arrange everything going on from your seat.
You arrange the drama, you arrange the choir, you arrange the ushers, all from your seat.
You arrange the chairs in an orderly manner wishing they had arranged it like you.
You sing, pray and as soon as the closing benedictions are said, with your Bible already in your hands, you take off.

Meanwhile, in your office, you are fighting hard to get a position that would keep you busy, something that you would add to your job to make you bigger than you are.

There's something you should know. The things you do or handle in the house of God are all a training on how to be responsible.

Moreover, you would do so well in your work outside with the idea of how to handle people that you have in Church.

If you are a cell leader, God is training you on how to handle people, it goes same for other units that involve handling people.
When you get outside, you are able to handle those with or under you, whether in your business, job, or wherever you find yourself.
It's all a training in God’s house. This is the reason you find a leader in the house of God, doing so well in his place of work, because he has been trained, he has been trained in the house of God.

If there is somewhere you should get trained, it the house of God because it trains you in every area.

It trains you in your relationship with people, it trains you on good manners, that is, Christian conduct, it trains you on excellent communication, it trains you never to give up, it trains you to be focused. Hallelujah!

Having all these, you could even stand before the president.
Proverbs 22 verse 29 says,
"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; He shall not stand before mean men."

When you have imbibed all these, you cannot but be diligent. The necessary result is that you would be promoted. No one would have such a staff and not want to do absolutely anything, with him. This is because he is diligent.

These are the things you do easily in the house of God, and when you get outside it's like gold. If you are a leader, you ought to be proud you are one because you can stand anywhere because of the training you have received in the house of God. Thank God for this privilege. Hallelujah!

So if you are not functioning in the house of God, you are not doing well. When you rush off after service, where are you rushing to?
The seats in the Church need to be arranged, who will arrange them?
Do you want to go and come back next service expecting someone to arrange them for you to sit again?

You can start by helping to arrange the seats in Church. You can join in cleaning the Church. Keep everywhere clean so that others can sit.

If you can stand for long hours, then join the ushers to aid people to their seats.

We also have the activity departments. We have the choir, dance, drama....
You could join anyone of them and bless others who have come to Church. Someone can just keep coming because of your nice voice, or because you danced or acted so well.
These are things that keep people won. They may not tell you sometimes, but they may not be happy to see that you are not there.

So right now, find your place if you haven’t and begin to bless others with this God given ability.
With this you would get your angels smiling and happy because you are fulfilling your calling in the house.
With this, you find your life filled with the glory and richness of God's presence all the time. Praise God!

Lift up your hands now and glorify God. Thank Him for the special ability He has given you to function in His house. Thank Him that you are fulfilling His call upon your life.

Bless your offerings now.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...