Wednesday 23 August 2023



Pastor Cheri

Speak in tongues for some time now, thank God for the Word you are about to receive.

Lord we thank you for your Word today, the entrance of your Word gives light and understanding, we receive these today as your Word comes to us. We are changed, transformed and improved, today, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

It's our month of Dominion, give the Lord a shout! We are set for this, set to exercise dominion in every area. We are set to take over and it has already begun. Hallelujah!

We will reign like never before.

Always have this Scripture before you
"Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place." 2 Corinthians 2:14.

God wants to show off with you this month, He wants to brag with you, He wants to
put you in charge of many things, so you have to be ready. Hallelujah!

Pastor mentioned 3 important things in exercising dominion this month.

1. Prayer
We must be persistent in prayer. You should learn to always pray. The story of Elijah is a good example. Read 1 Kings 18:41-46.
Elijah prayed until there was a change, He prayed change into being, into manifestation. Hallelujah!
With prayer there is hope for that hopeless situation. The change you require is on your knees, so always pray.
That miracle you have been waiting for can be made manifest this month as you pray, that dream house, that job, that money, all these can become reality as you pray this month. Hallelujah!
Your prayer should be heartfelt, continued and persistent. James 5:16-17 AMPC.
Don't be moved by troubles and trials, just pray, they would all come under the authority of the Name of Jesus. Praise God!

2. Faith Proclamations
Declare what God has said about you boldly. This applies to all, areas of your life. What has God told you, say it, say it out with your mouth. Let everything around you hear it.
The Bible says,
...He shall have whatsoever He saith. Mark 11:23.

So speak,  speak faith-filled words! Hallelujah!

You do this all the time including your times of prayer. You can also take Scriptures about what God has said concerning you and declare them over and over again to yourself and all that pertains to you.
You take charge as you do this, you take authority over every area, you dominate Praise God!

Using the Scripture, Hebrews 13:5-6,
"Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me"

as you get back today, search out Scriptures concerning all that God has told you and do as Pastor has said, say boldly what He has said about you.

Declare faith-filled words over yourself all the time and put the devil to flight with his strategems and schemes. Hallelujah!

3. Prophecy
Use propecy. We have alot of them in the Scriptures, use them. Those prophecies in the Bible are for you. Take a hold of them and use them. Let the words be your guiding light this month. See it in every area of your life.

When a word of prophecy is given, what do you do with it? You run with it. As you get these prophecies, run with them, they were given to you to show you who you are and that you are reigning. As you regn, you dominate. Hallelujah!

This month, there should ne no stopping you. You should see yourself on top, lift up your eyes and see, see all that God has given to you. See the cities, see the lands, you are more than a conqueror in them all.

If there are new frontiers or courses to chat, you are a victor in them all, you have dominion. It your month of dominion, so take them all.

The Word had gone forth this month, so just like you do with the prophecy, you run with this same prophetic word given by our Man of God.

God has showed you your August future, live in it. It shouldn't end in August, it should be through life. The Bible already shows us our authority in Christ, reign with it.

If you have enemies, you are to rule over them, there is dominion for you.
All your adversaries would come falling at your feet because you are dominating.
You have been placed in the position of honour by God, you have been honoured by the King. This should put springs in your steps.

This month, all things are working together for your good, whether those things happened in the past, present or would happen in future, all of it are working together for your good. Hallelujah!

No disadvantage for you, no disappointments, all things are working together for your good. No need for worry, God has everything in control,  you have everything in control. You have dominion. Praise God!

Lift up your hands now, say this, say,
I am in charge!
I have dominion!
I dominate my world!
And I dominate my world for Jesus!

Speak in tongues now!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...