Sunday 27 August 2023




Pastor Cheri

You are either moving forward backward or stagnated in your life.

"And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;...
For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."
2 Peter 1:5,8.

Read the verses in between verses 5 and 8, you find out what the verse is talking about. If those things are in you, your knowledge of God would produce results.

Your knowledge of God would produce results and place you were you ought to be functioning from.

So many have suffered in unproductive lives, in their marriage, jobs, businesses,  homes..., they are not living the supernatural life. The Christian life is a supernatural life.

When you are born again, the progress in your job, your finances, your family,..., should be supernatural. This is because you are supernatural. The life you are living today is a miracle. His life in us today is a miracle.

We should live just like Jesus. His life was an unending flow of the supernatural. He was never moved.

Always be fruitful and productive, anything you do or are involved in should be successful. The miracle producing element is at work in you.

You are born a succes, don’t live like a failure, you are a victor, never be defeated.
This has nothing to do with affluence or the economy, it is the kind of life that you have. You have dominion over all things.
No reason to be afraid or moved. Jesus was never afraid or moved, always in control! This is your kind of life! Hallelujah!

To be rich is based on a supernatural principle. When you give, you receive and when you give more, you receive more.

To be rich is to be abundantly supplied, you have more than enough

If you are broke, you can’t help others, you can’t even preach the gospel. The gospel needs money to move into nations, it needs money to go round the earth. This is what God is raising you up for, to publish the Word in the earth with your money.
God wants to make you very big, advancing and making giant strides of progress in your life, so that you can preach the gospel.

You should make up your mind not to remain at one level in your life and if you have moved, don't remain there, aim at a higher level. You can only do bigger things when you are moving forward. Where you were last year shouldn’t be better or at the same level with where you are now. Progress means moving to a higher level than you where before. Hallelujah!

The life of a child of God is only upward and forward. You are a child of God, so this is your life. Never find yourself living below your calling. God made you and deposited Himself into you. You ought function like your Heavenly Father, not just in some things, but in all things.

God is Great, so you are great!
God is Big, so you are big!
God is a Champion, so you are one!

God made progress in creating this world, you go ahead and make progress as you create you own world. He has made you a creator just like Him, so begin to create and finish it just like Him with His God-given abilities. Hallelujah!

Let your life showcase the supernatural, let it showcase God in all that you do. Let people marvel as they see the wonders of God displayed in your life and everywhere around you. Bring them into the Kingdom with beautiful testimonies showing forth themselves through you and get them involved with God.

Let ths be your mentality, your life is for God's glory and you would only but live that way. You give God glory as you make supernatural progress in every area of your life.
Hallelujah! Live the supernatural life everyday! Praise God!

Lift up your hands to God in worship, thank Him.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...