Saturday 26 August 2023



Pastor Cheri 

Have you been having a great time? 

Praise God!
God is here and ready to distribute blessings! I hope your are ready to receive?
You will not leave here the same way you came! You are leaving a better, more glorious and anointed you!
You'll go back into your world to do more for Jesus! Praise God!
Say "I will do more for Jesus! I will do more for Jesus!"
Blessings on you right now!
Speak in tongues right now!

Every man has been born into this world with two destinies. Your natural destiny, which is your destiny in the world and your destiny in God!
Your destiny in the world began when your parents gave birth to you. When you came into this world,  your parents began to plan for you, the kind of life they wanted you to have, the school you would attend, and so on.
When you try to find out from anybody how they plan to live, they give you the usual sequence planned out by man.
After you are born when you are matured enough, you go to school and then continue until you are through and after that, you get a job, and after that, you get married, and after that, you bear kids, and after that you raise them up, and after that, you grow old, and after that, you die. What a life! How would you plan a life such as that, from the womb to the tomb. Living to be buried someday, and you think it's supposed to be that way, just because you have seen people  live out their destiny that way.

You ought to ask, "Is this all about life?" You come in to live the way others have been living. Living like whatever would be, would be, success happens by chance. If you succeed, thank God for it, if not, maybe it's not part of your destiny. That's all absolute nonsense!

God never destined for any man to be poor, sick or broke.
He says in 3 John 1 verse 2, turn there with your Bibles. He says,
"Beloved..." I love this, He calls you beloved. Say "I'm God’s beloved!"
He says,
Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
This is God’s greatest wish for you.

Your destiny in God begins when you get born again. You begin to function with Kingdom principles. These are principles that guide us as Christians. We know no fear because God has not given us the spirit of fear... Hallelujah!
We are not afraid about tomorrow,  we are not afraid about the future,  we can tell you about the future because God has revealed it to us from the Word. We already have it made with the Word, we know who we are.

Brother, Sister, you are born again.Do you know what that means? It means you are an offspring of God. Who is God? He is the Most High, there is none higher than the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and He is your Father. Your destiny is found in Him. There is nothing He cannot give you or get done for you, He owns the World. He says,
If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof. That’s in Psalms 50 verse12
And if it's not available for you, He can create it. He created the world. Hallelujah!

There's no need to wail over your destiny, we just saw God's greatest wish for us. You should not associate yourself with the world's destiny. You destiny in the world ended the day you gave your heart to Christ and a new one begun, which is your destiny in God.
If you want to know how your life would be, in the next 5years  10 or 15years, get to the Word.
The Bible says, in Proverbs 4 verse18,  "But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."
You path is from glory to glory from victory to victory!  Don’t move with the pace of the Word, let God lead you. In God, one step could cover a thousand steps in the world. When they are promoting others in their place of work, they are checking to see the next level but not with you. Hallelujah! When it's your turn, they will place you in the place of God’s choice and no man can stop it. It cannot be stopped neither can it be changed!
,He says, ...behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it:
Revelation 3:8
Hallelujah! Was there a delay in your promotion, God is never late, He is always on time. Every delay has been put to an end today by by power of the Holy Ghost.
You are unstoppable. You are fulfilling God’s plan for  you.The Lord who has begun a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ. No regrets for you in Jesus Name, no shame for you in Jesus Name. You have been placed in the place if honour today and it's by the Holy Ghost! Praise God.
Rejoice now, worship Him, give Him praise. He will show himself strong in you. Hallelujah!

Speak in tongues!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...