Wednesday 2 August 2023



Pastor Cheri  

Welcome to service today. I hope you had a great week last week?

I believe you are charged up and ready today.

Welcome To our program 


We will be taking our confessions now. We will speak in tongues for 5 mins after each confession. 


I declare that in my life, all things are working together for my good because I love God, and I have been called according to His purpose. Every situation that I face, is a stepping-stone for me. In my body, things are working out for my good; health and strength are my portion everyday. There is an environment of good that surrounds me, and that environment repels sickness, poverty and death. I am above only and not beneath; I am the head and not the tail. Sin, sickness and death cannot have any dominion over me because I have been bought with a price, the precious blood of Christ. The devil is defeated in my life, and the Name of Jesus is glorified in me!

My mind is filled with the thoughts of God; I refuse to think the wrong thoughts. I reject negative thoughts and I declare that my mind is submitted to the Word of God. That Word gives me the thoughts to think and thus, the words to speak. I speak the wisdom of God in every situation that I face. I am not moved by the negative and corrupting influences of the world, but I am guided by the true light of God's Word. Daily, my mind is being renewed by the Word of God, as I diligently apply my heart to think on God's truth. I walk by faith and not by sensory perception. My life is regulated and conducted upward and forward, because of my faith in God and in His Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!


I have set God's Word always before me; in my heart, before my eyes and in my mouth. I will not let them depart from me for they are my life and medicine to my body. The Word of God is my everyday recipe for divine health. It is medicine to my physical body; it works in me as a drug, purifying my system, and perfecting my health. Sickness, disease and infirmity have no place in my body, for Jesus has taken my infirmities and borne my sicknesses in His body on the cross. By His stripes I was healed, and I remain healed today! Everyday when I wake up, I am full of life and vitality! My mind is alert! My body is alert, and full of strength. There is a fountain of life springing forth from within me! The life of God within me bubbles inside me, and puts a spring in my step everyday! I know who I am! I am full of life! Jesus said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). I have received the fullness of life! Health is mine! Strength is mine, in the Name of Jesus! I refuse to be weak and sickly! I have received life to the full! I am filled with the fullness of God!

I refuse to house any “messenger” from satan, because my body is a living temple of the Holy Ghost. He has come home within me and His life is at work in me. I live each day full of divine energy and vigour. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!


I confess that I have overcome the world, sin and the devil because I am born of God. I have His very life in me and that makes me invincible and superhuman. The Bible declares concerning me in Psalms 82: 5, “I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high”. Glory to God! He has called me a god! When God gives birth, He can only reproduce after His kind. I am not living an ordinary human life because I'm born again, and so sickness, disease and death of any kind can't find place in me because I am a product of God's Word!

I live in this world but I am from above. I am a citizen of Zion, the city of God, the land where sickness is a foreign experience. I do not get sick, just as chickens do not bark, and dogs do not fly. It has ceased to be an issue of whether I can get sick or not; I DO NOT GET SICK because gods do not get sick! Hallelujah! I am not ordinary. I know who I am! I am a superman! Thank you Jesus!

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!


I am born of God and that means that I have my roots and my origin in God. I proceeded forth from Him, and so I am not of this world, for I am born of the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit. The life of God is in me, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. I live the supernatural life of Christ naturally. Therefore, sickness, failure, defeat and death are alien to me, because I do not operate as a mere man. I function from the high realm of the spirit, where anything is possible! I look at the world from the mountaintop! I see as God sees! I look with the eyes of faith. I see the problems that people go through but I am not a part of them because I have overcome the world! I am a saint of God, sanctified and separated from sickness, failure and death, and separated unto God, and the divine life! I live in the world, but I am not subject to the world. I carry my own atmosphere everywhere I go; an atmosphere of divine health, peace and prosperity! The presence of God with me makes the difference in me, and separates me from the problems of the world. Glory to God! I know who I am! I've found my place. I've discovered the glorious life that Christ has given me; a life of success and victory twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five days of the year, and three sixty-six on leap years! It's success, health and victory all the way, all my days! Thank you Jesus!

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!


I declare in the Name of Jesus that each day of my life is better than the day before. I am moving forward and making progress in life, as my faith produces results. I know only the upward and forward life. My tomorrow will be better than my today in the Name of Jesus. I declare that I get stronger and healthier with each passing day! My youth is renewed like that of the eagle, day by day and I grow from strength to strength! The Bible says in Romans 8:2 that, “…the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death”. Hallelujah! There is a different principle of life working in me! The Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus is working in me; it's working in my blood, muscles, bones and skin, from my head to my toes. This Law produces life in everything that concerns me; there is no stagnation in my life, in my body, my mind or my spirit.The people of the world may be subjected to various sicknesses and diseases, but for me it's a different case! I may look like the rest of the world, but there is a different principle of life at work in me! Hallelujah!

I was born by the operation of the Law of the Spirit of life; born “sickness-free”; that means not associated with sickness! Glory to God! I know who I am! Only the good Word of God is fulfilled in my life today! Amen.

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!


I am born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God that lives and abides forever (1 Peter 1:23). I am born in the likeness of the Word, and live the life of the Word in the power of the Holy Ghost. I am the healed of the Lord. Every part of my body is functioning right and well.

I belong to Christ, therefore I am an heir according to the promise, and a joint-heir with Jesus. Abraham's blessings are mine, I am blessed in the city, I am blessed in the field, I am blessed going in and coming out, and no harm can come to me. Divine health is my portion. As I remain committed to the Word of God, by exercising my faith in it, meditating on it, proclaiming it and doing what it says, it will of necessity produce what it talks about in my life. 

I have abundant life flowing in me now, because I have received Jesus Christ. I have a right to prosperity and health, because the Word says, that God wishes above all that I prosper, and be in health. I am strong in the Lord; I am healed, hale and hearty. I am free from weakness and disease because the Word of God says that Jesus himself took my infirmities, and bore my diseases. There is life in my mortal body, by the very same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. He that dwells in me, vitalizes, energizes and infuses my body with divine energy always! I am healed, hale, hearty, strong and firm, by reason of the life in me. The very life, nature and character of God is what I possess. I am more than a conqueror. Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world. Glory to God! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!


I abide in the Word, and the Word abides in me, therefore, my thoughts, my will, my plans, and my desires all line up with the will of God.

I declare that I am healthy and sound. I function in divine health. Sickness, lack and death are far from me. The Word of God is working in every bone of my body, in every cell of my blood, in every fibre of my being. I declare that eternal life is at work in me. I speak strength to my body. I declare that I am strengthened with glorious might, by God's Spirit in my inner man. Every system in my body is functioning perfectly. My nervous system is responding to the Word of God. My bones are responding to the Word of God. My members are complete in Him. Thank you Father for this new life I have in Christ. I have moved from death to life; from sin to righteousness; from sickness to health. My needs are abundantly supplied in Christ Jesus. I live an exciting life in Him. The works of my hands are blessed. Grace and mercy encompass me, for God has brought me into a place of abundance, prosperity, peace, joy and health through His Word and by His Spirit. I purpose in my heart to walk in this truth, everyday of my life. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah!

The life of God within me dissolves growths and tumors, and my strength and health are restored. Growths and tumors have no right to my body. They are a thing of the past for I am delivered from the power of darkness. Every organ and tissue of my body functions in the perfection that God created it to function. I forbid any malfunction in my body in the Name of Jesus. Tumors can't exist in me. Father, your Word has become a part of me. It is flowing in my blood stream. It flows to every cell of my body, restoring and transforming my body. Your Word is the life of my flesh; you sent your Word and healed me, therefore, I am healed. I am made whole from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Hallelujah!

Speak in tongues fervidly right now!

Speak in tongues fervidly!

Ready for your miracle?

Take it in Jesus' Name. Hallelujah!

The Spirit of God in in charge. 

Place your hands around your body and begin to speak in tongues. As you do this, the Spirit of God will bring pictures into your mind. 

See your miracle, those pictures include what you have been expecting. Shut your eyes, see them.

Visions are being released right now from the Spirit realm. Praise God!

And you know what, there are angels in this place to carry out those visions. All you need to do for them to carry it out is speak in tongues. 

Go ahead and continue to speak in tongues. 

There is an outpour from above right now and He is asking, what do you want? I have released all of it. It’s yours now. Go ahead and take it, enjoy it.

Take as much as you want.

I love to display wealth with you. 

You are my trophy and I want to show to the whole world that this is mine.

I have sprayed my perfume on you so that any where you go they will know that you are mine.

Let not your heart be troubled for I have met every one of your needs.

I will always be with you, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Nothing is too hard for me, I made the earth, nothing is too hard for me.

Trust me and keep my Word.

Take a special seed right now, thanking God for your miracle. 

Lift up your hands and worship God. Hallelujah!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...