Tuesday 1 August 2023



Pastor Cheri  

Welcome to our program today, 


We will be taking our confessions right away. We will speak in tongues for 5 mins after each confession. Are you ready?

I declare that the Word of God is working in me; in every fibre of my being, and in every bone of my body. As I receive the Word of God into me, it travels through my entire spirit, soul and body; it goes right into my cells and my bone marrow, cleansing me from within and refreshing me. The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus is working in me! Eternal life is travelling through my being, energizing me from within. I cannot be diseased because eternal life is in my blood! Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! I have overcome! I am a victor! I can do all things through Christ that energizes me. That same Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead dwells in me; He vitalizes me from within.

I declare that the life of my body is no longer by blood but by the Spirit of God! I cannot be infected in my blood because the Spirit of God is the life of my flesh. I am more than a conqueror in this life and I reign over sickness, over demons and the forces of darkness! I am blessed! I am walking in the blessing! I am walking in the Word of God; therefore the Word is producing the results of what it talks about in my life. Thank you Lord Jesus! I know who I am. Hallelujah!

Speak in other tongues now!

I am not trying to get healed and I am not looking for my healing, because I was healed over two thousand years ago when Jesus paid the price for my healing. He has taken the punishment for my sickness, so I determine today to walk in divine health; I refuse and reject sickness, pain, poverty, lack, want and death. I will not frustrate the grace of God by allowing sickness, disease and infirmity reign in my body. The life of God is at work in all that concerns me. That life is working in my body, in my family, and in my job, in the Name of Jesus! I declare that all those connected with me are also preserved by that life! Death is defeated in everything that concerns me.I am walking in the light as God is in the light, and my faith is producing results everyday. My fellowship and partnership with the Lord Jesus is effective everyday, and so I cannot be defeated because the Greater One lives on the inside of me.

The Word of God is working in me; it's working in my body, in my mind and in my spirit. The law of the Spirit of life is working in me; therefore, every thing about me receives life! There is no death in any area of my life or in my body; by God's Word, I am living the good life God has planned ahead of time for me to live: a life of divine health, success and victory. I declare today that my life is totally yielded to the lordship of the Word of God. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Speak in other tongues now!

According to the Word of God in 2 Corinthians 4:13 which says “…I believed and therefore have I spoken...”, I declare by my faith that I am a victor in this life. I refuse to be dominated by the forces of darkness or the forces of this world, but rather, I dominate my environment and I reign as a king. I reign over sickness and disease, over demons of darkness, over death! I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! The life of God is in me, therefore all fear is gone! My success, health, prosperity and long life are assured. In Jesus Name. Amen.

I declare in the Name of Jesus that I am complete in Christ! Nothing is lacking in my body, soul or spirit! Everything that is supposed to be in me is there, and nothing needs to be added or taken out! My organs are functioning normally in the Name of Jesus! My heart is beating normally, my lungs are taking in air normally, my eyes are seeing normally, in the Name of Jesus! My kidneys are functioning perfectly well; my muscles and tissues are in perfect condition! My body responds to the Word of God and not to sickness! Hallelujah! The very stamp of God is upon me for I am His finished product!

I am carefully crafted by God Himself, fashioned for good works and predestinated for the good life. I am wonderfully and fearfully made, and the Lord daily perfects all that concerns me. My health is perfected in the Name of Jesus! Everything that concerns me is perfected in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I am the very offspring of God Almighty. I reject sickness, poverty and the low life because I was born for the top. The Spirit of God is at work in me, and He is the life of my physical body! I am special and important to God, and I am His best and most cherished workmanship. Thank you Jesus.

Speak in other tongues now!

I declare that like my heavenly Father, I too call things that be not as though they are, and by the Word of faith that I speak, I cause a change in any negative situation around me, bringing answers to questions and solutions to problems. I do not speak according to what I see with my optical eyes, but I call things I want to see into existence! I am not moved by symptoms and signs of the devil. I speak forth perfect health for my body, and prosperity for my life in the Name of Jesus! I am full of the faith of God. I have the spirit of faith and I speak the same things as God. By my faith in God and His Word, which I demonstrate daily, I maintain my victory in Christ Jesus. No matter where I find myself in this world, I live in victory! The challenges that I face are bread for me! They are my necessary steps to promotion! I declare that my faith is producing results, in the Name of Jesus!

As I release the Word of God from my mouth in power, all the obstacles before me are falling down flat! I declare that the limitations that try to stay in my way are walls without foundations! By the anointing of God's Spirit, I am marching on, unstoppable and unshakeable! I refuse to recognize lying vanities, because I am a faith-child of a faith-God, and I live and overcome daily by my faith in the Word of God, which never fails! I know who I am! The Word of God is my assurance! I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! Amen!

Speak in other tongues now!

I have received the Son of God, I am born again, and so I declare that I have the life of God in me. I have received into my spirit, eternal life, the very life of God. This life is working in my spirit, my soul and my body. This eternal life permeates every cell of my blood, causing me to be impregnable to any kind of blood infection, and all manner of sickness and disease! Eternal life infuses every fibre of my being, and every bone of my body. This life makes me more than a man! The pains, the frustrations, and the weaknesses that ordinary men go through are not for me, because I have this life in me! I am born as a saviour to my world, not a victim. I refuse to be a victim of any kind of negative situation or influence. I reign as a king over the forces and tools of darkness. I was born as the answer to the cries and pains of millions all over the world, and I am distributing eternal life to my world!

I declare that I am indestructible, because of eternal life, which is at work in me! No weapon by whatever name it is called, and in whatever form it may take, fashioned against me shall prosper! No sickness, no infirmity can fasten itself to my body! I am more than a conqueror and I live in dominion over all the forces of darkness! Because I have received the very life and nature of God, I declare that I am superior to satan and all the cohorts of hell! I am a victor in this life! Success is mine! Divine health is mine! Victory is mine in the Name of Jesus! I know who I am! I'm a child of God, an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ. Thank you Jesus!

Speak in other tongues now!

I have taken an abundance of grace, and I have received of the righteousness of God therefore I am reigning in life. I live everyday as a champion; because God cannot fail, neither can I! The life that I live is not mine, but His! Because of eternal life, nothing in this world or its system can put me under. The Bible says that “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). The Bible also says “…whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world…” (1 John 5:4). I am born of God and so, I overcome the world! The greater one lives in me, in every fibre of my being, and in every cell of my blood! He's in my head! He's in my feet! He's all over me!

The Bible says in Romans 8:11 “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, He that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you”. Glory to God! That same Spirit dwells in me! Divine vitalization is at work in me now! I cannot be infected in my blood by any disease, because I have ceased to live by blood! I live now by the Spirit! Greater is He that is in me, than He that is in the world! I am more than a conqueror, a master over sickness, poverty, death, demons of darkness and the devil! I am born again, born superior to satan! Christ lives in me. Thank you Father! I know who I am! I belong to you, I am born of you! I cannot be defeated! I live as a victor in this life, in the mighty Name of Jesus! Thank you Lord!

Speak in other tongues now!


2 Corinthians 5:17, “… if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new”. 

I come into agreement with this Scripture in my life, and I declare that I am a new creation, born superior to satan and all demons of darkness! I am an offspring of divinity. I am not the man that I used to be; I am a product of His resurrection! I arose with Him, with resurrection life! The life I live is not a continuation of the old, but I am in truth, a new creation! I am born for health, for success, for happiness, for prosperity and for the glory of God! I am born of God, I hail from God, and my origin is in God! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! I confess the scripture which says that “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20).

I declare that Christ lives in me! The anointed One and His anointing are resident in me! How could I fail? It's impossible! I live by the faith of Jesus! He saw what I could be, and He gave His life for me, therefore, I will be that man or woman He believed I would be! I will not be a beggar or a victim in this life, but I will live to the praise of the glory of the Name of Jesus. It is so in my life, in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

Speak in other tongues now!

I am born of God, I hail from God, my origin is in God, and therefore I overcome the world! I live in dominion over the elements and principles of the world and its systems! The life that I have within me is Zoë, the indestructible and imperishable life of God; the life which knows no failure, no defeat and no destruction! Because of this life, I reign as a king over the world and its systems. The Word has gone forth concerning me that I am a champion in this life, and so it is!

The Bible declares in Romans 5:17 that “they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ”. I have received God's grace lavishly and His righteousness, therefore I live as royalty in this life! I exercise my God-given kingly rule over demons of darkness, over sickness, and over death! I refuse to be suppressed or oppressed by the forces of darkness, but rather I reign as a king over them! I am a product of the resurrection of Jesus Christ; I am not the product of His death on the cross. I was born again with the resurrection life in me! The same life with which Jesus lives today, is the life which I have, because the Bible says in 1 John 4:17 that “...as He is, so are we in this world”. Hallelujah! I am just like Him, glorified and beautiful as He is!

I know who I am! I've found my roots! As He reigns, so I reign. Health is mine, divine vitalization is mine! I cannot be sick because I am just like Him, and He doesn't get sick! It is well with my soul in the mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Speak in other tongues now!

The life of my body is no longer of blood, but by the Spirit of God. That same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in me. Hallelujah! He is in my head! He is in my hands! He is in my feet! He's all over me! It is not possible for my blood to be infected, because that same Spirit causes divine vitalization in my body! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, the Holy Ghost vitalizes my mortal body! My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost! I am His living tabernacle; therefore no sickness and no infirmity can share these quarters with the Holy Spirit!

I declare that the presence of that same Spirit within me causes every disease germ that tries to get in my body to die, and pass out of my system! There is a disease-destroying force at work in my physical body. It makes no difference how the sickness tries to get in, that Spirit burns up every trace of sickness! No infection can stay in my body! No tumor can successfully grow in my body! I am divinely connected to an endless supply of health and success! I live each day of my life, full of life, and invigorated by the power of the Holy Ghost at work in me! I live and walk in dominion every day of my life. I reign as a king over devils, and over every sickness! Nothing can put me down because I am more than a conqueror! Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world! I know who I am! Thank you Jesus. Amen.

Speak in other tongues now!

The Bible says in Ephesians 2:10 “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them”. I therefore declare, that I am the workmanship of God in Christ Jesus, created unto good works. My life has been fashioned and planned by God for good. I have been recreated unto divine health, unto prosperity, and unto victory. I walk everyday of my life in the paths God has predestined me to walk in; I do not deviate from this path, but I keep my eyes focused on Jesus, the beginner and finisher of my faith. I have received the divine life into my spirit, and that life works in my spirit, in my mind and in my physical body.

God has stamped and certified me as a world-overcomer; therefore, I reign over the world and its systems. I reign over demons of infirmity, and over death. The life in my body is a repellent, and a destroyer of disease germs. Hallelujah! I have been born in Zion, the city of the living God, in the mountain of His holiness, the place of which it is spoken, that “… the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick: …” (Isaiah 33:24). Glory to God! I have been born with the life of God in me! I look at the world from the mountaintop! I look at the world from the position of advantage! I cannot be disadvantaged in this life, because I look from the mountaintop! Hallelujah!

Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world! I am indestructible, and impervious to sickness and disease! I am a child of Zion, a beautiful citizen of the beloved country of God! I have arrived at the place of my inheritance now! Sickness is a thing of the past! Poverty is a thing of the past! Life and peace belong to me now! Thank you Jesus!

Speak in other tongues now!

I declare in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ that my faith is working and producing results. The Word of God is working mightily in me, building up my faith and producing in me what it talks about! It's working in my spirit, in my mind, and in my physical body! I set my gaze upon Christ Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith! I refuse to be moved, or swayed by the physical circumstances all around me, because I am founded upon the rock that is Christ! I am set on the course that I must follow, in the Name of Jesus!

The Bible says concerning me in Colossians 3:4 that Christ is my life! Hallelujah. That means that my physical body is infused with the very life of Christ. I refuse sickness and disease; I refuse to accommodate infirmity in me, because Christ is my life. Eternal life cannot share the same living quarters with sickness! I declare that my body responds to the Word of God, and not to sickness! There is a disease-destroying energy in my blood that devours bacteria, viruses, germs and all agents of sickness! Glory to God! I am not ordinary! I may look like the rest of the world, but the life in me is different! I am separated, sanctified, demarcated, and partitioned from the corrupting forces of the world, unto the glorious life that is in Zion!

Thank you Lord! Thank you for this glorious life you have called me into! A life of rest, of dominion, of victory, twenty-four hours everyday! Thank you Lord for pouring your very self into me! I will live unto you, as a witness of your manifold wisdom and power. Thank you Lord, for making me a champion in this life, an overcomer and more than a conqueror, in the Name of Jesus! Amen.

Speak in other tongues now!

In the Name of Jesus, divine health is mine. I've got Zoë, the divine life in every cell of my blood, therefore, I DO NOT GET SICK. Sickness is not a part of my nature. I am what God says I am, I have what God says I have, and I can do what God says I can do. The Word of God is working in me, it is producing what it talks about in my body. That Same Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead gives life to my mortal body.

I know who I am! I am not the sick trying to get healed! No, I am the healed living in divine health. No sickness can successfully fasten itself on my body.The Word has been sent for my healing and health in Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing. I live in the rejuvenating power of the resurrected Christ from this day forth. I am free from sicknesses and diseases of any kind, for the life of God is in me, Hallelujah!

I am the offspring of God's Word, and death has no power over me. Sickness and disease have no hold on my body. I am a child of the Word of God. The Word of God is medicine to my flesh; therefore I live in divine health twenty-four hours everyday. The life of God runs through my being. I am a member of His body, His flesh and of His bones! I am alive in Christ, and alive unto God. My way is prosperous and it is well with me. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Speak in other tongues now!

Speak in tongues fervidly. Hallelujah!

Now is there anyone sick out there, I declare healing for you this moment!
Be healed in your bones!
Be healed in your blood!
Be healed in your bodies!

Your marriage has been restored!
Your business has been restored!
Your job has been restored!
Your result has been released!

Someone came with a pain on the knee, it has been healed. Check yourself.
Someone came in with a lung issue, the Lord is healing you right now. Begin to breathe properly. Praise God!
Someone came with a discharge, the Lord has healed you already.

If you have any challenge, I want you to place your hands on these declarations.
Be healed in Jesus' Name!
No devil can stay in your body. None at all.

Speak in tongues fervidly! Hallelujah!

Say I have received my miracle! Keep saying it! Keep saying it! Keep saying it!
Do a dance, celebrate your miracle. Hallelujah!
It's yours. Take it in Jesus Name!

The Spirit of God is in this place!

You are free from every disease!
You are free from every pain!
You are free from every oppression!
The Son has made you free and you are free indeed!

Share your testimony with us using the comment box.
Revelation 12:11 says,
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

Praise God!

Take a special seed right now, thanking God for your miracle. 

Lift up your hands and worship God. Hallelujah!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...