Monday 18 September 2023




Pastor Cheri

When you call the name, Christ Embassy, the next statement that follows is "Giving your life a meaning." This is where you are given hope for living, a reason for living. Hallelujah!You shouldn't live a meaningless and purposeless life. It is a life without direction and focus. A life lived anyhow.When the Bible talked about the path of the just being a shinning light, Proverbs 4:18, it was referring to the road that we are on. This means we ought to be on a road and know where it is leading us.It actually says,"But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day."This is a description of the path of the just. So we know where it's leading. It has direction, it has focus.
If the Bible has said this about you, the just, then you should have direction and purpose for your life, you should live your life with meaning.
So how do you get the right direction, how can you live your life with purpose and in line with God's perfect will for you?
Turn to Psalms 119 verse 105. It says,"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
The Word of God gives us direction, it shows us what to do, how to do it, where to go ..., it throws light on our path, with light you know where you are going, you see the obstacles and are able to overcome them. Light brings direction and this is what the Word is to us.
Living in the Kingdom with the Kingdom life and principles are the focus of our lives.
You are not living to balance the ecosystem, life is much more exciting and much more meaningful than that. Praise God!Your life should have a meaningful significance in the lives of others.Pastor says, A meaningful life is one that has significance in the lives of others. It's impacting your world positively with talents, gifts, and endowments God has blessed you with. Hallelujah!
Where are you now? Become relevant to other people. Your guiding principle in life should be to solve people's challenges and meet their needs. Praise God!
Learn to give and not only receive! Give of what you have, give of what God has blessed you with.Is your profession, job, business or where you are functional in, giving out something to others? Are others benefiting from you? Is your work helping others?
If you have been receiving only, it's time to start giving. People need your care, your comfort, your encouragement..., in their lives. They need it to live happy lives!
If you have only been receiving and not giving, you are not giving people's lives a meaning. We are all givers in Christ Embassy that is why, we are known to give people's lives a meaning! When you come into Christ Embassy, you are turned into a "Giver."
You should be like those who gave to you, to others, giving other lives a meaning just as yours was given a meaning! Hallelujah!
There is a reward for every one of your giving!"For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that He hath done, whether it be good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5 verse 10.
God doesn't leave you unrewarded. He would make happen for you what you make happen for other people.
Your life has been given a meaning, you ought to impact those around you positively. Be of benefit to others. Be blessed and be a blessing to your world. You are God’s outstretched arm to a hopeless and dying world. Demonstrate the love of Christ as you show love to other people, bringing them the joy they have been searching for, thereby, helping them live their lives to the full.
Take out time this week, visit places where you can render help, maybe an orphanage, the hospital, prisons..., and render the necessary help required. It's Healing Streams season, take advantage of this opportunity, go out, create Healing Centres, in Hospitals, Schools for the Blind, Deaf..., Homes for the Elderly, Cancer centers etc. Provide the necessary requirements for them and get them ready for Healing Streams with Pastor. You are giving them healing from 17th to 19th March. They would begin to live meaningful lives afterwards and impact others also, the same way. Hallelujah!This is another opportunity to be relevant to God and be relevant to His Kingdom, so use it. Praise God!
Speak in tongues right now. We'll spend 15mins in prayer for our Healing Streams Live Healing Services, it's 100 per cent success all the way. Pray now!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...