Tuesday 24 October 2023




Pastor Cheri Isioma Ajufo 

Your giving distinguishes you from others. It separates you because each time you give, you are giving of yourself, you are giving something that is part of you.
Sometimes, it could be something very dear to you, but you choose to give it because you love God.

Your love for God is what propels you into giving. When you love, you give.
John 3:16 says, for God so loved the world that he gave...
God so loved you and then gave. Praise God! He gave you His best. Praise God!
This shows you how much He loves you. You are dear and precious to God, you are valuable to Him. You can count on Him to do absolutely anything for you. Trust Him for that. And even if He has never done it before, He can start with you, He can create it for you. Praise God. God loves you!

The Bible says in 1 John 4:17, Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as He is, so are we in this world.
We look like God. We are love beings. We were made to look like Him, so we have His nature of giving in us. We love to give, just like Him.

When you give out things, maybe to those around you, your friends, loved ones, colleagues..., give them the best.

Don’t give someone something you don't like. Maybe the shoes are bent and broken and you wanted to throw them away, then you remember "Ah, this person may be able to wear it." So you package it and get it across to the person. Don’t do that! He may not say anything, he may even tell you thank you, but His spirit man is not happy with you, God either, because you are not showing that you look like God to that fellow.

Moreover,  what you sow is what you reap, so be ready for a multiplied harvest. Praise God!
Don't complain when people start giving you spoilt things! Praise God!

Same also goes for your offerings. When you give your offerings, ensure they are not squeezed. You wouldn’t squeeze your cheque leaf, so don’t squeeze your offerings. You wouldn’t like a squeezed car, or house, or job, Hallelujah!
You'll prefer neat and good ones!

When you get money, straighten it out, keep the neat ones aside.

You may want to know how to give a good gift.
If it's a shirt, you iron it well, wrap and send it. It should be a shirt you can still wear. You could also get a new one.
Same goes for shoes. Clean it up, polish it, if it can be polished, and then send it across.
You'll have your angels smiling at you this way because they don't want to be dispatched to bring you something you do not like.

Let your giving be complete in every way.

Learn to make sacrifices to God. Start from where you are and give your way to the top. There may not be so much in your bank account, start from there. As you give, God blesses you, then you take it up, as He blesses you again, you take it up. As you move up, you surpass the previous level, you become greater than that level. Praise God! You can never return to that level again because you have moved over it. Hallelujah!

Giving is a revelation! When you receive it, you run with it.
When you give, give big! You are giving to God and not man and also, no one can stop your blessing, it's unstoppable, it's God blessing you not man.
See the Scripture about tithing in Malachi 3:8-11. Verse 10 says
...and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
It's God blessing you and not man, and when He opens that window, no one can stop it.
He says in Revelation 3:8
...behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it ...
God is saying this to you right now; and if there was there a door that was shut against you, that door has been opened right now! Hallelujah! It has been opened in Jesus Name!
What door do you want opened today, say it out wherever you are and declare it open. Doors cannot be shut against the children of God!
They can't shut a door against you.
You are a giver, a big-time giver, a big time soul winner and a big-time financier of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can never be disadvantaged. That thing that causes disadvantages has been removed from your path. Hallelujah!
You are the head and not the tail, you are on top and not beneath, you are the first and the best, number one in all things! Hallelujah!

Your name is on every naira, evey dollar, every euro. Hallelujah!
There's unstoppable wealth coming to you right now. It's yours already! It's yours already! Hallelujah! Receive it!
Praise the Lord. Shout a big Hallelujah where you are right now!

The words you have heard today have transported you to another level today. Praise God! You are no longer at the level where you used to be. So rejoice and thank the Lord for that.

Praise God!
You are going to take a special seed today. Something dear to you. Tie it to something. Speak in tongues over it and give it. After you have given it, rejoice and thank God for your new level. Praise God!

Speak in other tongues right now!


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