Thursday 26 October 2023




Pastor Cheri Isioma Ajufo 

If you have someone participating with you, tell him or her welcome to Church. 

If there's no one participating with you, get someone to, in our next service. 


It's our Global Service today. Ensure you are fasting. We will be participating from the blog when it is time. 

Get ready for God’s Word tonight.

We will be looking at prayer today.

Prayer is our primary means of communication with God.
Prayer is a privilege given to us from God to communicate with Him and also to change things in our favour. It is a privilege and an honour.
Luke 18 verse 1 says,
And He spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;

1 Thessalonians 5 verse 17 says,
Pray without ceasing.

These verses of Scripture enjoin us to pray all the time.
We make power available to effect the changes we desire when we pray.
In the realm of the spirit, we take control and put things in order.

The Prayer of Intercession is one the various types of prayer.
This kind of prayer requires focus and concentration.
This is the prayer where you intercede for someone, maybe a lost soul, or as being led by the Spirit.

You may be prompted by God's Spirit to pray for someone in danger. You may or may not know that person but there is this urge in your spirit to pray.
Then comes this release in your spirit after you have done this. You feel as though you have accomplished something. Hallelujah!

Every child of God is a Priest.
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Revelation 1 verse 6

If you are a priest, you should fulfil your calling.
A priest is one who makes intercession for others.

You cannot be a priest and not pray. You have to be a praying-priest so you can intercede for others. Praise God!
Don't neglect this spiritual calling.
Don't say you are too busy to pray. You pray 5mins and you are off.
If you had a need, no one would tell you to pray more. You would even love to add some extra time to ensure you cover and mention every area of that need.

Make out time to pray and pray effectively.
Choose a time of the day, stay off from all distractions, set your heart and mind to pray. The same way you do this, God would position others to do the same on your behalf. He may not know you, but he is praying for you.

Don't always wait for the promptings of the Spirit before you pray. It's your ministry. It's your responsibility. We all have a responsibility to prayer.

You can cause a change in your family, home, nation and even in the world at large through prayer. You can change this earth through prayer.
You say, "Me? This me?"
Yes you! You are not too small for that.

Gideon went to battle with just 300 men and won. It took an angel to make him know he was a mighty man of valour. Read the book of Judges chapters 6 to 8.

You are no less. You have the Holy Spirit and the ability to speak in tongues, as you speak one word in tongues, you hit 10,000 in english. Praise God!
What an an advantage, what a privilege, what an honour, to be blessed with the gift of speaking in tongues. In one instant,  you have your miracle.
Shakatabaye. No delay!

Speak in tongues for sometime.

As you speak in tongues, He gets your spirit-man acquainted with the matter. Your spirit-man understands the matter and begins to arrange it, begins to rearrange it, positions it, and puts that matter in order. Hallelujah! You have won! Glory to God.
There is no disadvantage for the child of God.
No disadvantage!
No disadvantage!
Say it to yourself.
No disadvantage for me, because I'm a child of God. Shout Glory!
I'm a big shot. Hallelujah!
When I pray things happen.
When I pray, I cause a change.
Change in my life, in my job, in my work, in souls around the world. I cause changes everywhere!
I am an agent of change, positive change, everywhere I go.
Shout a big hallelujah!

Be the one God is using.
You Say, "God can use anybody." Let that person be you. Be ready at anytime.

It's always a blessing to function in this priestly ministry.

Prayer shouldn't be a struggle. Tame your flesh to pray. Let your spiritual high control the impulses of your flesh.

When you see a sinner, you should want to pray for him because he is not in a good condition, his spirit-man is not in a good state, so you should go ahead and intercede for him. He needs salvation,  he needs the Holy Spirit. You go ahead, hold his soul captive to God. His will, mind and emotions should be submitted to God so that he can enjoy salvation, and be delivered into the glorious life planned for him.

Learn to break yourself spiritually and discipline yourself to pray. Hallelujah!

When you continue this way, you see your life, a complete manifestation of God’s glory and grace. Things become easy for you because you have subjected yourself to the Holy Spirit, and He is available to lead and direct you at all times. Praise God!

Are you ready to pray?

We will spend 20mins to pray.
Let God’s Spirit direct your mind as you pray. Set your focus on that thing He directs you to and speak in other tongues.
Go ahead and pray now.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...