Thursday 26 October 2023




Pastor Cheri

Our Book Review continues today.
Get your sponsorship into the offering bag if you are yet to do so. Your giving connects you with all that Pastor has written down in this book, so be prompt in your giving now, get connected.

Let's begin now. From Chapter Three...

Chapter Three
When you compare the account of creation in Genesis chapter one with that in Genesis chapter two, you would come to the conclusion that after God had spoken creation into being, He went  ahead to make and form them.

*This means creation begins after you have spoken. Hallelujah!*

After God had spoken to Abraham and Abraham believed God, and he went on calling himself "Father of many" (Abraham) and calling his wife "Mother of Princes' (Sarah), even though  they had no children.

You can imagine the expression on the faces of his neighbors and the servants in his household. I can just imagine them saying, "The old duo are going crazy now, imagine childless Papa Abram saying he is father of many and calling old Sarai, Mother of princes... their religion has gotten into their heads."

But eventually according to the Word of God and their continued declaration they had a child - Isaac - and became the father and mother of  many.

When the Clouds Be Full of Rain..
Desire, when it has conceived brings forth, it happens naturally without force.

Ecclesiastes 11:3: "If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth..."

Water evaporates from the earth's surface and rises up to form vapor, which condenses and finally comes back as rain. No one needs to go up into the sky to force the clouds to release the rains. When they are full they release naturally.

*Your miracles release naturally when your clouds are full! Glory!*

In Genesis 2:4-6, 9 we read,
"These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that they LORD God mnade the earth and the heavens, (At this time God was speaking creation into being) And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had NOT CAUSED IT TO RAIN upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food..."

When God spoke the Word, it came into being in the spirit as a seed. Jesus said, ..the seed is the Word" (Luke 8:11). But the seed has to grow. And how does it grow? By the rains coming  down on it.

So after you have spoken the Word to change your circumstances, after meditating by the spirit, this word-seed' has to be watered in order to grow.

You may say, “The rain falls when it wills' but that's not true. The rain does not just fall; the clouds have to be watered first. And you're the one to water those clouds. Yes, the Bible says,

"when the clouds be full of rain they empty them selves upon the earth" But you're responsible for watering your clouds.'

Isaiah 55: 10 - 11:
"For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: SO SHALL MY WORD  BE that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accom plish that which Iplease, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it."

You water your clouds' with the Word of God. What kind of situations and circumstances do you want to prevail in your home? Begin to speak them into being using the Word of God. The Bible says, “There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling" (Psalm 91:10).

Quit complaining and start watering your clouds.'The situation may not change overnight, but the Word would certainly prosper in that which it has been sent.

For how long do you have to water your clouds? For as long as it takes the clouds to be full and to pour down as rain!

You don't have to wait for the circumstances to look okay before you speak. In fact it's when they're not you should speak the more.

Ecclesiastes 11:4, 6:
He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, ei ther this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good."

So when things look okay and when they don't, at all times, water your clouds!

Some people constantly complain about their businesses, their jobs or their children. And that's because they're ignorant of the fact that they're not only watering the wrong seeds, but they're also watering wrongly. Constant complaints will bring about negative confessions, which will eventually bring forth after their kind. You can affect the future of your growing child. You can destroy the peace and tranquility in your home and marriage through your negative words.

I once read of a tradition of Jewish mothers: That everyday as their children grew, they would speak God's blessings upon their lives and confess His Word on them. The result was that apart from causing these children to become more confident as they grew up, the words actually followed them and caused them to prosper.

So start sowing the right seeds and keep watering them with your confessions and you will surely reap the right fruits.

*We'll go to Chapter Four, and quickly to page 30*

Chapter Four

Prayer Gives Birth To Ideas
Prayer is important. If you really want to bring God into your situation, you have to pray. When you pray, something happens to you. Many people don't know how and why they should pray.

Every time you want an idea, you'll get it on your knees in prayer. It's that time your spiritual eyes are open and you begin to see. Then, God can communicate with you through your creative spirit and something will come through. God will always give an idea. This is the key to all the things you want. So an idea from God is all you really need. With that idea, you can be, with that idea, you can get and with that idea you can have.

You must therefore, spend time in prayer until the visions come to your spirit. You must continue to brood over those dreams, brood over those desires until you can speak the Word that will bring them to pass. When you speak the Word upon that vision you received in your spirit, it be comes a reality but only in the spirit world. It is the ideas that come to you while you are praying that will bring your vision into the material world. If you meditate upon these ideas long enough, till you are fully persuaded and they become real to you, your dreams will materialize.

But you don't stop here. You have to go beyond praying and catching an idea. The idea must fill your thoughts and affect your confessions. The idea must be so strong in you that it becomes real to you. You must pray about these things often so you can visualize yourself in that desired position and begin to act like you are there. You have to spend more time in prayer to bring you ideas to materialization. Jesus Christ spent time praying, and every time He came down from the mountain, tremendous miracles were wrought.

Do you want to achieve your goals? Then make up your mind! Through prayer, you can effectively change your life. You can get what you want. Spend time in prayer, don't wander around looking for somebody that will tell you what to do and how to do it. You are a child of God so spend time to pray and God will tell you what to do; He will give you an idea. No matter what you are going through in life, take time to pray.

What is that thing you are praying about? What is that thing you want God to do for you? First of all, think about it. Set your mind on it then get on your knees to pray. Things do not just happen; you've got to make a deliberate move. Set it in your imagination, then commit it to God.

Ask God what you should do. Pray about it in the spirit then talk about it. By praying in the spirit, you are charging your own spirit and preparing yourself to get aligned with God's thoughts.

At a particular point in time, the visions will come to you. While you are praying, it is possible that God will bring the visions to your spirit. He will begin to speak to you even when you are still speaking to Him.

This was how I got my first office: I had decided what kind of office I wanted for the things we would be doing. For days I lived in this dream, I began to speak it; it was so real to me. One day, driving through town, I noticed a building with the sign To Let.' I took a look, and it fit my picture perfectly. But (here was the problem) I had no money. Before I knew what I was really doing, like a big shot, I had walked up to the house and told the agent I would pay in two weeks. But the money was not there then. However, within the stipulated time, through unexpected sources, the money came miraculously and the office was paid for. But it all started when I had it in my imagination.

Make up your mind not to waste your time. Don't be a drifter in life. The future is here and it belongs to you. Whatever you want to do will work. As long as you set your heart upon it, it will happen. Your dreams must come true. You must have a testimony in your mouth and a song on your lips because God has done for you what you wanted Him to do.


During our times of prayer is when God most times, shows us things, talks to us and directs us. So we should always pray so that we would be in sync with His will and thoughts for us.

As you pray, supernatural things begin to happen. The spirit realm controls the physical. These supernatural things are not just for the spiritual but also the physical that is why we must live it here, but it won't happen here until it has happened there. Praise God!

As the Spirit floods your heart with these God given visions, speak them forth, lay hold on them by faith and with your confessions. This is what you have seen, you take possession of them as you speak and sure enough, it is yours for the taking. Hallelujah!

God has the right, materials, peoples, things, to help you and bring you into the reality of His thoughts for you. He never! leaves you empty or without help. Praise God!

We will spend sometime to pray now!
Pray for 15mins, opening your spirit-man to visions from the spirit realm. As they come to your, take possession with your declarations. They are yours that is why God showed them to you, so take them by faith. Hallelujah!

Pray now!

I believe you had a wonderful time during our insightful study on our book for the month.

Again, if you are yet to sponsor  please do so and tie it to any area you want to create in your life! Hallelujah!

Lift up your hands and worship God right now, speak in tongues.*


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...