Tuesday 14 November 2023




Pastor Cheri


Thank you Lord for your Word coming to us today, we open our spirits to receive all you have for us in it. Thank you Father for the transformation that the Word brings to us today, in Jesus' Name. Amen..

I hope you having been winning and achieving much?
Each time you receive the Word, a change takes place, there is an impartation in your spirit and one of the results is that it causes you to achieve much, it causes you to produce the more. That is how the Word works in you each time it comes to you.

This month is our month of INSIGHT.  You can only walk in this light when you fellowship with God's Word. There is wisdom available for you this month, this wisdom is from God, from the Word. Hallelujah!

What kind of insight? This is insight into mysteries and secrets. This is what God is doing to and for you this month, revealing mysteries and secrets to you. Some of us have already started. Hallelujah! If you are yet to begin, connect now! Praise the Lord!

Why you? You are a child of God, so you have the right to know, you have right to this insight. Hallelujah!

For some, it may be concerning your job or business, your home, family, ..., no matter the area, God would reveal to you, all.

There is a group in the Bible called the children of issachar.
Turn to 1 Chronicles 12:32. It says,
"And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment."

That Scripture says, they knew what Israel ought to do, they had an understanding of the times. Hallelujah! They were operating with divine insight, they had secrets and revelations revealed to them from the spirit realm.

Note that these men were not even born again and they had this kind of attitude. How much more you who are born again! What you have is far bigger, greater and better than what they had. All of it put together wouldn't measure to ours because we have the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah!

You can tell the future, you can tell your future, you know what it is like because it has been revealed to you. You know about this age,  you know about the world order, all revealed to you by the Spirit. Nothing happens to you by chance because the Spirit reveals to you before it occurs. Hallelujah!

You are not in the dark about anything or any situation, you have insight and you can proffer the solution because that solution had bee revealed to you.

This is why we should always pray for godly men to be in authority in the nations of the earth because they can only rule and win by the Holy Spirit. The maker of the universe wants to reveal to you things about what He created. He wants to bring you visions and of course, ideas, where necessary, that can put things in order. Hallelujah.

This is a wonder that the world is still trying to fathom. They do not know how we are able to do things achieve and produce much in our work and in all that we do. It is a marvel to them. How God is able to convey this kind of wisdom to us that can make many things happen without any of them clashing with each other, everything just comes our smooth as though He was doing it through one person.

When you come in contact with such folks, just tell ghem, "You need the Holy Ghost." That is all that is needed for this kind of life.

At your place of work, you should be like a god to your colleagues. They should be able to get it done with you. They should be able to see the solution from you, because you have the insight. This is throughout because that is when you have to Holy Spirit in you.

For the student, there is insight for you before that exam. You know the direction of that upcoming test or exam. You know the questions before the time. You are attuned to the Spirit, so He reveals them to you, so you prepare ahead. He shows you were to study and you are ready for that exam, knowing the outcome. The Master Himself has prepared you for success. Glory!

There is no failure for you. This kind of life makes you function like a king and keeps you reigning in life. You are short of nothing.

You don't run around for help, you have help in you. People come to you for help, because there is help in you, you have become their agent of change.

Brother, Sister, this is your life, the life of every Christian. We are always at the advantage in everything. Hallelujah!

You should change the lives of others and the earth with this kind of life, proffer solutions and meet the needs of others. This is why insight came to you from God, to change the world and change it for Jesus, change it for the Kingdom, inviting them into a life of endless possibilities and solutions. You have to let them know there is hope in God and that anything is possible. Praise God!

Are you ready to change the earth?
If you haven’t been winning souls, begin that today and now. Reach our to the world, reach out to others, get them into the Kingdom so they can work with the Holy Ghost to also change the lives of others. Praise the Lord!

Lift up your hands and worship the Lord now.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...