Thursday 16 November 2023




Pastor Cheri

It's Healing Streams season! Hallelujah!

Thank you Lord for your Word to and for us today, it brings light and direction to us, it brings illumination to our spirits! Thank you Lord for we receive it with joy, faith and nerkness, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen

I believe it has been an atmosphere for the miraculous for you since Friday. Hallelujah!

All this is a result of the gospel that we carry. As we release the gospel, miracles are released into the air. This means and shows to us the gospel is not ordinary, it's not a fable, not a story, it's living and active  the gospel is a message with and of hope, a message with the anointing and that delivers your miracles to you at your doorsteps. Glory!

The gospel should never be common to you, it is supernatural, so should be that way with you. It is the proof of the Living Christ. Hallelujah!

The Word is made alive with the Gospel. There is power in this gospel.
The Bible says,
"And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 1 Corinthians 2:4"

Paul was talking here as he wrote to the Church at Corinth. He didn’t come with sweet words, but to show them what the gospel is about . With the gospel is demonstration of the spirit and power. The gospel is not empty, it carries power. Praise the Lord!

Don't get the gospel hidden in you, let out the bubbles in you. As the force or pressure increases, give vent to it. Let it come out and of course, minister to those around you

Let people hear the wisdom of this gospel through you. Let them be guided and led by the wisdom of the gospel. You should give vent to this.

"That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God."
1 Corinthians 2:5.

The power referred to here is from the gospel. Praise God! There is power in the gospel!

The Word that you carry is not ordinary and not just for you alone. If it means good news, it should be told so it can bring the joyful information to the hearers and also pilot them in the direction of the news. Hallelujah!

Don't suppress the Word, let it out, no matter how it comes. Whether as a Word or as a prophecy,  let it out it can bring healing, restoration and wholeness. The Word can mend, heal and bring hope.

The Word is to be heard so don't keep quite with it just in your heart.

The gospel is practical, you should know this each time you share it with others, don't leave them without demonstrating what you talked about.  Hallelujah!

When the Word comes out of you like this, you record only miracles and testimonies. It shows itself forth as it demonstrates in others all they have long searched for.

Make up,your mind, not to be a talker of the gospel, but also a demonstrator. Prove the Word with and around you. Let people see the proof of God’s Word as you minister it to them.
The Bible says,
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry." 2 Timothy 4:5.

This is how! Hallelujah! By demonstrating it. As you do so, you are proving your ministry.

You should be eager to do this and enjoy to do so. This is what makes your evangelism sweet with many souls pouring into the Kingdom. They have seen what none else can do but God, and now they believe.

Let this be your number one soul winning strategy. Hallelujah!
God wants and loves His message demonstrated. So you must keep at it.

I believe I  have been able to drive this into you. Don’t wonder where the ability would come from, it's all in you.
He said to us,
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Mark 16:17-18.

This is the hallmark for every believer. Hallelujah!

Lift up your hands and worship the Lord now,  thank Him.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...