Thursday 7 December 2023




Pastor Cheri


Thank you Lord for this Service today, our hearts and minds are open to receive your Word, we receive it with the ability to do more for you in Jesus' Name. As we get ready for our thanksgiving, our seeds go ahead of us to open more doors of abundance for us, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.

Welome to this wonderful thanksgiving Service today. I believe we are all ready to thank the Lord big or even bigger today.

What kind of seed do you have to thank the Lord with? What you give to God matters and it matters alot.

If you can wear good clothes, shoes and even jewelries (for ladies), you should be able to give God something great, this time around, your best seed. When you give God the best, only the best locates you.

You should know what is best to give because you make purchases and you know the one you like, so you know how to choose and choose right.

When it comes to the things of the Spirit, it should be done with reverence. Let the thought of your Heavenly Father fill your mind as you do things in the house of God. Don't do it casually as one of the things you usually do, do it reverently because you are dealing with the spirit realm here.

You should be able to know what is right and correct and what is not.

Your seeds, tithes and offerings are all involved in this. There is no excuse for doing it wrongly because you can actually treat yourself correctly.

The Bible says,
"Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.:" James 4:17.

If you know what to do, then go ahead and do it and get blessed for it. There is a reward for every good deed done. God is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6.

When you love God, you do what is best for Him, your heart also, would be involved in your act or service to Him. He should be all that matters to you. He should be your number one focus. Hallelujah!

The way you go about God’s business is the same way He'll go about yours. He'll take care of yours just the same way.

There is joy doing what He wants, so why not do it that way so you can be joyful.

Your thanksgiving is very important to God,  you shouldn't play around with it. It's your thank you seed to Him.

You know what happens when someone tells you thank you, you want to do more for him or her. It's the same way with God. Hallelujah! Your thank you brings wholeness into your life. You regain all that you lost and you are made whole again.

This happened with the woman with the issue of blood, also with the ten lepers. The one who came back to say thank you, had his extremities restored back to him.

What has God done for you? Is it your job, business, money, family..., it's time to say thank you to Him and you do that today with your seed.

You take that special seed, reminding yourself of all the achievements in this year 2023.
You bought a house, a car, a land or property, then you take that seed telling Him thank you, then you give it. Praise God!

You should not be admonished to give your thanksgiving offering, it is your responsibility to give it, not by compulsion, it is free will but there is a blessing attached to it which restores all you have lost back to you.

Check your seed now, is it good enough? Take it, bless it and give it. It's your spiritual act of worship and thanksgiving to. God. Hallelujah!

Lift up your hands now and thank the Lord.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...