Thursday 13 July 2023



Pastor Cheri 

Welcome to the month of Meditation and Declaration.

This month is a beautiful one for you.

Praise God!

Lift up your hands and worship God. Spend a few minutes to speak in tongues. The Spirit of God is present here with us. Thank Him for His Word today!

Praise the Lord.

I just called the name Victor! Did I just call your name?
You were born into victory.

"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us." Romans 8 verse 37
This means, we have past conquering, we are now celebrating our victory. Praise God!
Life's circumstances should not force you into being a victim! You are not a victim but a victor.
Jesus already defeated Satan and the cohorts of darkness and rendered them helpless. He did all this for you.
He took the keys of hell and of death from the devil, Revelations 1 verse 18, and paralysed him. He made public spectacle of them in hell, triumphing over them.

"And having spoiled principalities and powers, He made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it." Colossians 2:15

When He was doing all these, you were in Him. When He conquered the devil, you did it with Him. When He came out victorious, you came out victorious with Him. You defeated the devil with Jesus. Hallelujah!

Call your name, say 'I am victor! I am victor!!" I am victor!!! Hallelujah!

Is there a specific thing you want to change? Is there a special miracle you need to happen? Then it's time to table it before the Lord. The Bible says "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20

You are not alone! You have The Holy Spirit, Jesus is there with you, the Father is there with you, this is already more than three. 

So you go ahead and table that matter before the Lord from the standpoint of victory. There is no stopping you when you know who you are. 

Mention that case and begin to speak God’s Word over it. Release the 'Rhema' of God from your spirit, it's the now Word for that situation which is also a confirmation of your victory. 

As you speak in tongues, your spirit-man begins to relate with the matter, your spirit-man is aware of the situation, your spirit-man knows the situation in details, so as you speak in tongues, it goes directly to the point, it hits the nail on the head. There are no mistakes when it comes to speaking in tongues, it has to do with the spirit realm.
You go on with this until that note of victory begins to bubble in your spirit. There is this knowing that it has happened. Hardly would anyone succeed in talking you out of this victory, because your victory has become as visible as the person sitting close to you. I'm sure you know you can't be told no one is sitting close to you when someone is.

When you begin to enjoy it, it's not new to you anymore because you already saw in at the place of prayer.

This kind of life where you enjoy such victories is what we call the life of the victor. You know what to do and how to cause the change required and then you come outside, quiet, unruffled, because you already settled it in your room. 

No more hindrances, no barriers, you just look at them and move on without a second thought. Praise God! You have won. Hallelujah!

I know who I am, I know, I know, I know. I'm a victor, because Christ made me one! I know no fear, I know no defeat, there is no death on my path, I live in victory everyday, twenty-four hours of the day, seven days of the week, 365 days of the year and 366 days of the leap year. Hallelujah!

Don't be a quiet Christian. Learn to use you mouth. Talk your way up. The life of the Christian is upward and forward. Talk yourself to the top. 
Some have used their mouths to eat, curse people...,what have you been doing with your mouth, your mouth was given to you to chart your course through life. Chart your way to the top.

Don't settle for a life less than a life of victory! This is your birthright! If you are not living with your birthright, you are not living a normal life. So live the normal life which you have been called into, the normal life of victory.
Answer your name, your name is victor! Praise God!
When you wake up, wake up a victor!
When you sleep, sleep a victor!

They say when it's head, you win, when it's tail, you loose. For you, whether head or tail, you win. You don't win by chance, you are a victor anytime. Praise God!

Do this, take out a sheet of paper. Write out specific things you want done or changes you would want to cause right now. We would speak in tongues after you have done so. 
Write it as a list.
If you have done so, place it before you and begin to speak in tongues. Speak in tongues fervidly.
Your spirit man would take a hold of that situation right now. Speak in tongues!
Don't stop until you get that note of victory. If it doesn't come early enough, go back to it after the service.
When you get that note of victory, begin to rejoice. Celebrate your victory! Glory to God! Hallelujah!
Jump, shout, dance, sing.... Just like the walls of Jericho, it has fallen flat. Hallelujah!

Take your offerings now!


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...