Thursday 13 July 2023




Pastor Cheri 

Shout a big Hallelujah wherever you are!
Praise the Lord!!!

It's Super Sunday today! Glory to God!

After today, you will experience peace like you never have, in the Name of Jesus.
Glory to God!!!

Take this song
I'm confident of this very thing  (Response)
I'm confident of this very thing (Response)

That He, who hath begun, a good work, in me,
He shall perform it, until the day of Jesus Christ (till fade)


Jesus has done so much for us. All He did on the cross was all for us to have a beautiful life. Thank God for the cross, thank God for the grave, and glory to God, thank God for His resurrection. We are enjoying our lives today because He rose.
A life free of worry, stress and anxiety. A life free of trouble and the hardships of this world.  A life full of peace. The peace of God beyond human reasoning, the peace that passes understanding. 

They can't understand why we are so peaceful inspite of all that's happening in the world today.
Well, we are only walking by the Scripture which says,
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16 verse 33

We are only following divine instruction. He says, "cheer up I have overcome the world."
He overcame the world for you.

Jesus has already overcome the world and it's systems. How can something dead or without power, have power over you. If something has been overcome, then it cannot prevail over you, it has already been overcome.
What next? All you have to do then is, live joyful and happy like the overcomer that you are, because you overcame in Him.

When Jesus died, you died with Him.
When He was buried, you were buried with Him.
And when God raised Him up, you rose together with Him.
And now, hallelujah, you are seated with Him at the right hand of the Father  above all principalities and power. Glory to God!

With all these, your life should be free of worry, because all that would have brought worry to your life, have been defeated.

He brought for you, a life of peace. This kind of peace is called, "Shallom", "Peace with prosperity."
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because He trusteth in thee. Isaiah 26 verse 3
Peace - Shallom Shallom which is translated Peace Peace
This is called, Peace of prosperity, Peace with prosperity, Hallelujah!

Peace with complete balancing on every side. You are completely balanced. 
Nothing like,
I haven't paid my rent,
I haven't visited the doctor,
I haven't gotten a job...
This is because,  the Prince of Peace is with you.

Prosperity here is not just in your finances, it's all-round prosperity. Prosperity in every area of your life. Prosperity in your job, business, marriage, absolutely every area of your life. This is called a balanced life, where you look to the left, and it’s beautiful, you look to the right, it's superb, in front, it's glory, behind,  it''s blessings! Hallelujah!

What do you see when you look around you, what do you see? It should be nothing less than what has been mentioned.
Don't look around you for the devil, he is not there, see Jesus and all the beautiful things He has brought you.

This should keep you constantly in joy. Your life ought to be full of joy, a fulfilling, healthy, vibrant and fruitful life.
This is the way you have been called to live and it's every day, you live that way everyday, not some days but everyday.

Don't catch yourself wearing a long look, it's not allowed. In our Kingdom, praise God, no sadness is allowed, no dullness allowed, this is because we are living everyday in victory. Victory means you should be celebrating all the time, and you can’t celebrate with a long look, they don't go together.
So allow those joy bubbles up, and release that happy look that puts the devil to flight. That is why he is not around you. There is an atmosphere that puts him to flight, this is it.
Let nothing steal your joy. Make up your mind to be happy all the time. Hallelujah!

He says,
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14 verse 27

The peace that you have is not the same as that of those in the world. They take a pill and go to bed and claim they slept peaceful last night. They wake up and are back to the situation that made them take the pill. The pill couldn't solve the challenge.

There is no doctor that can give you the peace that Jesus gives, no hospital, no herberlist, no soothsayer, nobody, can give you this peace, only Jesus can, and His peace is forever, It's not short-lived. The pill that Jesus gives, gives you evalasting peace, it's forever and ever.

Some go to the extent where the drink and get drunk or smoke coccain or marijuana, all because they want to forget their current situation. They have delved into the wrong direction in search of what Jesus has brought to us at no cost.

Every man born into this world is born with a heart in search of God. When He finds Him, he is completely full of peace and knows his search is over. He is never comfortable, until he finds God.

This is the reason why we preach everywhere and at anytime to get this message to everyone so they can be liberated from this bondage, the bondage of uncertainty, uncertain about the future, the bondage of fear, the bondage of insecurity.
These are the things that give people sad lives making them unhappy and restless.
But thank God there is hope. There is hope in Jesus. He came to do what no one has ever done for us. He can make you all you ever wanted.
He says,
Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.John 8 verse12

He will bring you out of darkness , He will bring you out of shame, He will bring you our of poverty,  into a glorious and fulfilling life.
You can't dream better for yourself than Him. He knows exactly what you want and how you want it. He knows you, more than you know yourself.
Let Him pilot you, let Him pilot your life, let Him lead the way. He knows what is best for you. He can give you the best ideas to making wise choices. He knows best.

1 Corinthians 1 verse 30 says that Christ has been made unto us wisdom.
He is your wisdom. When you need to know what to do, He can give you wisdom, wisdom beyond this world.
You can trust Him. Trust Him with your life.
When you meet Jesus, your search is over. He is your last point. Praise God!

Many have gone through paths that have destroyed their lives, you don’t need to go through all that before coming to Jesus.
They say, experience is the best teacher, but that is wrong, the Word of God is the best teacher. It would teach you everything. You would never miss your way with God’s Word.
And this Word of God is Jesus Himself.

John 1 verse 1 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

That same Word, is here right now and needs your attention.
If you are not yet born again, this is an opportunity for you now, make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Lift up your hands and say this prayer;
O Lord God,
I come to You today. I acknowledge that I am a sinner, I receive remission for my sins today. I ask that you come and be the Lord of my life. I believe in your death burial and resurrection.
I receive eternal life into my spirit, I receive the Holy Spirit today.
Thank you Lord for saving me. I am born again.

Praise God.
If you said that prayer, congratulations and welcome to God's family.

If you want to be filled with the Holy Ghost. Say this,
Dear Holy Spirit, thank you for coming into my life. I want to receive the gift of speaking in tongues. I receive it right now,  in Jesus' Name.

Now go ahead and speak in tongues. Speak what He has put in your mouth.

Glory to God! Hallelujah!

Use the comment box, send your name with the comment "I received salvation today." We have a free gift for you.

Praise God!

Now if you are here and you are sick in your body, I want you to place your hands on that area where you need your miracle.

In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke every infirmity, sickness and disease.
I rebuke every pain, I rebuke every tumour, every wound is healed even right now in the Name of Jesus.

Someone with diabetes has been healed, your left ear has been opened, the right side of your body has received strength. Praise God!

Check yourself and begin to do what you couldn't do before. Hallelujah.

Someone with an eye challenge has been healed.
The deafness is gone.
The pain is gone.
The tumour has disappeared. Hallelujah!

You are healed. God has healed you.
Get up from that sick bed, get out of that pain. Hallelujah!

Right now, you can stand in the gap for someone who needs healing.

I declare every pain gone, every sickness, gone, every disease, gone from that one, in the Name of Jesus.
You are free in Jesus Name.
You are healed.
Praise God!

The Spirit of God is touching everyone participating right now. He's touching you were you need Him. He is touching you right where you are.
Praise the Lord.

Share your testimonies with us using the comment box.
Praise God!

Glory Glory Glory!

Shout a big hallelujah wherever you are! Shout it again!

Thank you Jesus. Thank God for His mighty hand on us here. 


It's our partnership service today! Hallelujah!
If you have your partnership, use the GIVE NOW session of the blog below the blog, for your partnership seed. Just click on it.
We have the different arms of partnership outlined, just choose your partnership and give.

Take a praise song as you do this.

Every partnership offering/seed opens doors of opportunities, doors for increase and doors of promotions to everyone that has given today. By God's Spirit, you are transported to another level in your finances, in Jesus' Name.
Your capacity to give has increased even now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. You do more for God, in Jesus' Name. That grace has been released on you right now, in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.


God bless you.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...