Thursday 13 July 2023




Pastor Cheri 

There are those who haven't acquainted themselves with God, they are not born again. These ones are not used to life from the spirit. They need to know God, they need to believe in Him, get acquainted with and experience Him. For this to happen, they have to receive salvation.
So the first step to believing is to receive salvation. When you do, you become a believer. Hallelujah!
It's not hard to believe, believing is a choice. You choose to believe or not to believe!You believe with your heart, your spirit. You don't believe with your head. Your spirit-man can encompass God and see more. When you use your head, you try to work out God like you do in a classroom. This wouldn't work. God is too big, He is bigger than your head or your brain, He is God. Hallelujah!
With God, all things are possible."Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth." Mark 9:23.If the Bible says so, as Christians, we don't try to find out how it works, we just believe. This is what the Bible talks about when it says to do the Word."But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves." James 1:22.
Doing the Word should be our lifestyle. You should be a doer of the Word. Any time you hear the Word, you believe it, receive it and do it. If it talks about having a forgiving heart, if you never had, you make up your mind, "From today, I forgive everyone, I have a forgiving heart." If it talks about not telling lies, you make up your mind, "From today, no more lies, I speak truth always."
This is how we do and live by God’s Word. These truths are for you to move you forward and keep you advancing on the trail of the Spirit. You move faster as you live by these truths.
You choose to believe only the Word and nothing else.
If you don't believe, God can't help you. Hebrews 11:6 says, "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for He that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
If the Word has said something about your situation, all you need to do is believe what it has said. The Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible, He created the world and also made you. He knows what should happen to you, He knows what would keep you in the victory of that situation. So what He says is is what is. Hallelujah!
There is nothing God cannot do or change. When you trust Him with His Word, He'll change everything! Hallelujah! This change is not only in your health, but in every area of your life because you ought to have full joy, 100% joy state.
When it comes to prophecy, if you have heard a prophecy from God which applies to you, don't say, "He is not talking to me, my case is special." No! Hallelujah! You should accept it the way it came because it came for you, it came because your set time has come, time for your miracle! Hallelujah! That is why the Word came. God speaks to us in different ways and this is one of them. He can talk to you through your Pastor, your leader or even a member. He can get His Word across to you anytime. All He needs you to do, is believe what He has said.
The Bible says,"God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good?" Numbers 23:19.
Glory to God! This should make you joyful because you are sure a victor! Hallelujah!He is the Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and the End, The First and the Last. He has seen the end from the beginning that is why He sent His Word to you. Only believe. Hallelujah!
Don't let what people have said stop you from believing, don't let what the doctor has said stop you from believing, don't even let the situation stop you from believing. It's a choice to believe, so choose to believe. His Word never lies, His Word never fails, believe it, do it and stick to it. Even if someone had that experience and never came out, yours is a different case, because the Spirit of God is involved in it, only believe, with God all things are possible. Our faith would definitely prevail. Faith never fails, it always wins. Hallelujah!
Is there a case you have today? Speak in tongues right now concerning it. Go ahead and do so. Afterwards, declare and proclaim your victory, because you have won. Give a special offering for it and rejoice. God has taken away every pain and brought joy and evalasting peace into your life. Go ahead and pray. Pray for 5mins.
As you finish, lift up your hands to God in worship and thanksgiving for a wonderful time with His Word today.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...