Monday 4 September 2023




Pastor Cheri 

Our Man of God Pastor Chris declared this year as our year of the Prolific Church! Hallelujah! Proliferation is on and it's in all directions, on every side. If you have not started, what are you waiting for? Get into the Word, get mingled with the Word, and have it lead you. Hallelujah!
Pastor says it's very important we watch and pray this month. We need the Holy Spirit to do this. He is the one to help us pray. He helps our prayer. He is one of the priorities for us this year. So we must take advantage of His ministry. Praise God!
To get results, you should and must pray and you do this with the right heart. Your attitude in the Kingdom should reflect the godly life that’s in you. You don't grumble or complain, you yield to the tutorship and leading of the Spirit.
Philippians 2:14Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
We are shine as lights in a crooked world.
Philippians 2:15That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
We don’t live like the world, we live the Word. You want to know how we live, check the Word. There is a difference between you and the world, THE WORD IN YOU, this is the difference. You are loaded with the Word, with Rhema. Hallelujah! Rhema that can put you on any level, take your any where, cause you to produce abundantly.Say, "I am loaded!""I am loaded with the Word!""I am loaded with Rhema!"
It's proliferation season, so we have to get the Word working by feeding our spirit-man with the Word. Get your books and tapes, read and listen to them, study the Word, Rhapsody helps you with this, make the Word your priority. When you have rich deposits of God’s Word in you, you won't be trying to shine as a light, it would shine out and shine forth naturally. Hallelujah! There is no place for complaints with the Word in you. The Word rubs off itself on you.
And you know, the Holy Spirit is the Author of the Bible, so when the Word rubs off on you, it's the Holy Spirit rubbing Himself off on you. Hallelujah! He rubs off His nature and character on you. This is why, as you Prioritize the Word, you also Prioritize the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! And of course as we pray, we use the Name of Jesus. So we Prioritize, the Word, the Holy Spirit and the Name of Jesus. Hallelujah!
Also, Pastor says, it's not enough to shine but to burn.
Luke 12:35Let your loins be girded about, and your lights burning;
Burning is more intense than shinning. It means, keeping aflame. The burning attitude means you are soaked in the Word. All you do now is the Word, even without thinking. You are now living the Word. Hallelujah!
We need direction by the Word and from the Word. It shows us where we are going. It throws light on our path. It is our guide.For you to proliferate, you should have direction and a guide. In what area do you want to proliferate and how should it be done? The Word shows you how?
Psalms 119:105Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
You may say, it's already three months into this year, and I haven't started. Do you have a Word from God? Pastor gave us words of prophecy this year. Also, the Word for the year is already a prophecy for you. You have these to hold on to.
Pastor showed us a Scripture in 2 Peter 1:19. It says,We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
Hold on to the more sure Word. If there is a flicker of light, there is hope. With hope, you create faith for today, faith that you have victory. Praise God.
Take note also, that the light is shinning in a dark place. When even a small light shines in the dark, you easily take note of it and it can be seen brightly because it is shinning in the dark. This means it's already working, the change has already begun. Hallelujah! So never give up, there is hope for you! The prophecy has brought hope.
You should make up your mind to burn and shine especially in this month of lights. Shine in your family, shine in your neighbourhood, in your city, nation,.... Hallelujah! Shine everywhere! Praise God! Even in your business, job, work, academics,..., shine! Take the lead everywhere! Burn and shine!
You burn and shine as you reach the lost, you win souls. The Bible says in Matthew 5:16, Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Let your light so shine as you proliferate in soul winning, let your light so shine as you proliferate in giving, let your light so shine as you proliferate in the things of the Kingdom.
So you get the Word in you, to lead and direct you as you take advantage of the ministry of the Holy Spirit, doing all that you do in the Name of Jesus.
We are in different nations of the world where our lights need to shine. This is how! You have to show these nations direction, show them where to go and how to get there as you burn and shine with the Word in your heart and on your lips. Introduce them to the Word and the ministry of the Spirit, help them understand Kingdom principles, so they can start burning and shinning just like you. Hallelujah! You seal everything up during your prayer time.
Those in authority need direction and wisdom to rule and you are the one to show them how to get these. As you do this, you are already proliferating in soul winning. Praise God!
Pray for your nation, pray for all men! The Holy Spirit is there to help you in prayer. If you would pray, victory is sure! Hallelujah!
Lift up your hands now and talk to God.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...