Thursday 5 October 2023




Pastor Cheri

Lord, we thank you for the entrance of your Word that gives us light and understanding, we receive it today, gladly, with faith and meekness, in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Welcome to Church. The Word today, will transform and transport you to a new level to reign with.

Turn your Bibles to Matthew 16:18.
...I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

These are Words from our Lord Jesus Christ. He is letting us understand He is responsible for building His Church.

Jesus is the Head of the Church not only as Master but also as the owner of the Church. This is why He says, " church." We are joint-heirs together with Him in this.
We are the Church, which is His body, meaning we are His body, we make up His body. This is to show you how vital you are to Jesus. The Church won't function well if you are not there. You can imagine that with your own body.

Say this,
"I am a vital part of the body of Christ.'

So as, He builds the Church, you are being built. The Church is fed with the Word which is it's spiritual food as this is done, it's being built.

This is why you must function in your place and be committed to being in Church so you can hear God’s Word and be built to your next level. As this is done, the Church is stronger and firmer, brought more, to maturity. Hallelujah! No challenge shakes it. It cannot be stopped, it has been built, it has been fed. Praise God!

The things you do, in the Kingdom, should get stronger, bigger and greater, because of the ministration of the Word to the Church.

Note one thing, when the Church eats the Word, every one is fed, so long as you are in the Church. So you must grow. There is no room for stagnation this way because,  just like rain, you must get wet when you are under the ministration of the Word.

This is the reason we are constantly matching from glory to glory and from victory to victory because we are constantly being built, energized and pumped with the Word. When a new revelation comes, we eat it and grow bigger, when there is a release of anointing from the Word, we take it and move forward. The Church cannot be stopped. Hallelujah!

Just like Pastor said, revelation is progressive, you must also be there to receive it and run with it. Hallelujah!

Who brings these revelations, who brings this anointing? The Holy Spirit! He is the one who ministers the Word to you when it's being released and distributes it to everyone. He helps to root the Word in you, giving you divine insights, revelations and proper understanding of truths revealed to you from the Word.

As this is done, you are able to go out to minister the same to others. You do this knowing the Word as an instrument of salvation

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." Romans 1:16.

You have been built, you have moved to being a soul winner. Now you bring others to Church, to help them become the same. You have added to the Church. As you keep on, you become an effective soul winner because you should not remain at one level. Praise God!

The Word is there to transform you and build for you an effectual life of progress, success and victory.

You must work hand in hand with the Holy Spirit. He is the one to help you in your work in the Kingdom. As He does, you are moved to new levels at all times. Hallelujah!

The gates of hell cannot prevail as the Church is built. No plans from the enemy works because we have grown to maturity such that we have that verse of Scripture that can put the devil to flight, we gave grown, we know more. And you know what, we would know much more because more would be brought by the Holy Spirit. He would bring to us the right information for now and prepare us ahead. This is why we cannot be defeated, we are always in control. Hallelujah!

No devil hatched out of hell can stop the Church, the gospel must spread and must be widely spread, and just like in the city of Ephesus, it must prevail.

There is an outpouring from the Spirit from the Spirit realm on us right now, and this outpouring would shake the whole earth announcing Jesus as Lord! Praise God!

So as you bring people to Church, ensure they are always present for the meetings and services we have, so they can hear what you are hearing and grow faster. As they grow faster, we have more and more people preaching the gospel, everyday, and everyday the gospel is spreading.
For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14.

This is how we live. Hallelujah!

So we don't just grow, we also make disciples. This shows progress. We are moving and expanding on every side.

We thank the Lord for this wonderful ministry in our lives. We receive and run with the Word He has has built us with. We match on as the Church, the body of Christ from glory to glory, manifesting the effects of this glorious gospel, to men. Glory to God!

Lift up those hands and worship the Lord now, thank Him.


         Pastor Cheri  As Christians, we do not live by our senses. We do not war after the flesh. We do not point accusing fingers on peopl...